Chris Worfolk's Blog

Configuring my ASUS AX6100 router for Vodafone SIRO

February 11th, 2024 | Tech

If you sign up to Vodafone home broadband you get their Gigabox router. My one-day experience with it was that it was pretty bad. I kept setting up my wifi network. But then I would reload the configuration page and all of the settings would be gone. The wifi network would still work, but I couldn’t change anything without entering all of the settings again. Then other times, it would be there. It also wasn’t handling out DHCP leases to anything I had wired in. So, I set about trying to configure my ASUS router.

This was both very straight forward and took ages because unless you know the magic combination, it won’t work. The main thing is to configure the internet connection as PPPoE and use the serial number as the first part of the username.

But you also need to set a VLAN of 10. Some forums suggested that the AX6100 does not have this option but that is not correct. It’s just entirely unobvious. If you go into advanced settings > LAN > IPTV you can use the LAN report dialogue to set manual settings and enter a VID there.

As soon as I did this, my internet connected. Hurray! I was many hours into fiddling around with both routers by this point so hopefully this post will shave some time off somebody else’s search.

The Mark Knopfler Guitar Collection

February 8th, 2024 | Distractions

At the end of January, Dire Staits guitarist and front man Mark Knopfler auctioned off over 100 of his guitars.

It was announced months in advance and took place at the famous auction house Christie’s. The offer bidding in person, on the phones and via their online system in a hybrid style, as well as live streaming the event on YouTube. The sale proved to be much more popular than they had expected and was delayed by two hours as their online auction system was overwhelmed.

Everything in it went for big money. The Les Paul he used for Money For Nothing was expected to go for a large amount and predictably did: £470,000. But even the guitars he received as gifts and barely played went for £20,000-£30,000 and upwards. And thing like the Fender Strats he used on stage were around £100,000. Here are some of the “budget” lots:

Predictably then, I didn’t buy anything. But it was an exciting event to watch: all six hours of it, not including the two hour delay!


February 7th, 2024 | Books

Stardust is a novel by Neil Gaiman. It’s in the fantasy genre and billed as a fairytale for adults. I enjoyed it. It’s not as dark as Netherwhere or American Gods but very much still an adults fiction book.

Running For Beginners reaches 100,000 members

January 29th, 2024 | News

I’m excited to announce that my Running For Beginners group reached 100,000 members last week!

A big thank you to everyone who has been part of the community. I even made a little thank you video:

Apparently Taylor Swift practises her entire Eras tour set list while running on a treadmill. I have no idea how; I was knackered after two minutes.

Felt IA

January 28th, 2024 | Distractions

Ever since I first watched the IRONMAN World Championship, I wanted a Felt IA. And now I have one. On Zwift.

For years I worked hard to get to level 37 to buy a digital Felt IA from the in-game shop. I made it to level 33. Then in December, they redid all of the levels and dropped the minimum level requirement for that bike down to 16.

Dublin Masters XC Championships

January 10th, 2024 | Sport

Last weekend, I took part in my first masters race. I’m officially old. Masters is for anyone over 35, so I’ve been eligible for a while but now it has actually happened.

In classic Ireland fashion, the organisation was relaxed. There was no pre-race information. Or any information on where the event was taking place (St Anne’s is a big park). Luckily, someone from the club knew. I got there and tried to find the registration desk. I marshall pointed me in a direction. It turns out it didn’t exist a and each club just had a pack of numbers. Also, they announced at the start of the race that the 6k was actually a 7k. But everything was smooth from then on in.

The course was muddy. Which is to be expected with cross country. Luckily, it hadn’t rained much in the days leading up to it so it wasn’t full of big puddles. But large stretches of the course were on grass churned up into mud, and so very slippy under foot. This made it very difficult to get traction and therefore the running was way harder. It was lovely to get onto the harder stuff each lap.

Blackrock AC was out in force and cheering us on each lap so it was lovely to be racing with the club. I finished in:


When Ted said he found the race very competitive I knew I was in for a tough time. I finished 170th out of 179 finishers, so a solid nine people behind me. So close to picking up the lanterne rouge. Maybe next year.

2023 in pictures

January 2nd, 2024 | Photos

Venla achieves her marathon wristband at junion parkrun.

Naas duathlon.

St Patrick’s Day.

Lough Cutra triathlon.

Dublin Mountain Backyard Ultra.

Metalman triathlon.

Viking marathon.

Around The Park, Around The Clock.

Helmsley triathlon.

Antrim Coast half marathon.

Marlay parkrun.

Venla and her cousins.

The Last Tram in paperback.

2023 in review

January 1st, 2024 | Life

2023 has been one of my busiest years ever and yet a lot of it has been routine stuff that doesn’t make a good blog post, In January I was recoverging from a sprained ankle and dropped by my local Toastmasters club. On the business side, I launched courses on Gestalt Therapy and Scrum.

One of the big projects came to fruition in February when I finished a six-week audit of my existing courses including 172 new lessons. There was plenty of exercise, too, with the Naas duathlon and Virtual Race Series 13. Venla also achieved her marathon wristband at junior parkrun.

It was Sichuan month in March as I finally cracked open my cookbook. We celebrated Elina’s birthday and St Patrick’s Day. Fitness wise, another long-term project came to a close as I finished the Learn to Lift course. Holbeck College launched its counselling diploma path. Unfortunately, I missed both the Bohermeen half marathon and the Florida Manor run due to illness.

Our extended family got bigger in April when my sister welcomed Dougie and Angus into the world. I had a busy month of racing the Phoenix Park duathlon, 300th parkrun and completing my first 100k at the DUHAC 24-hour run. I also tried daily cold showers but decided it wasn’t for me 🥶.

We visited County Clare in May so I could take part in the Lough Cutra triathlon. Unfortunately, I registered my first-ever DNF. I also took part in the Dublin Mountain Backyard Utra and managed 11 laps. In the business world, I launched my course on Positive Psychology Coaching.

We followed our west coast trip with a south coast trip in June, visiting Waterford for the Metalman triathlon and Viking marathon. There was also racing back home at Around the Park, Around the Clock. After 15 years together, we parted ways with the Astra and I launched my Mindfulness for Resilience course.

The World Cup kicked off in July and there was more racing at Kilkenny triathlon. I released my first set of shorts on YouTube.

We hosted Michelle in August and watched a lot of sport with England in the World Cup final and the Tour de France. Jonas Vingegaard was not the only cyclist to watch as Venla got her first bike and I took on Helmsley triathlon. I took my first trip to Belfast with other Hyde Park Harriers to complete the Antrim Coast half marathon. I launched my Motivational Interviewing course.

I was ill for the whole of September. Being unable to run much, it gave me chance to do some parkrun tourism with walks or jogs at Griffen, Waterstown and Dodder Valley.

The touristing continued throughout October with visits to Poterstown, Blanchardstown, St Anne’s and Marlay. I found a new yoga studio and my mum ran her first 10k at the Abbey Dash. We hosted my parents and England outperformed expectations at the Rugby World Cup.

I taught a daily class throughout November as part of my Yoga for Resilience series while Elina and Venla jetted off to visit the family. I also wrote my second novel as part of NaNoWriMo and got my first pair of glasses. There was more parkrun tourism at Hartstown and Father Collins, and I finished my virtual run around Transylvania. Patrick Kielty did his first Toy Show and we ate well thanks to Donegal month and Thanksgiving. Holbeck College launched its life coaching diploma path.

We finished the year with December as is tradition in the Gregorian calendar. I also finished the EduProgram with Trinity Entrepreneuers and Venla sung her heart out at her winter concert. I did some parkrun tourism at Tymon and Darndale, achiving a new best placing of 4th overall and 1st in my age group at the latter. I also completed the Reindeer Run and Chevin Chase. I released an updated version of my productivity course and the first paperback copies of my novel arrived. We finished the year with plenty of family and friends time.

Chevin Chase 2023

December 30th, 2023 | Sport

The Chevin Chase has been run on Boxing Day for decades. But I only took part for the first time last year. This week, I was back again,along with 23 other members of Hyde Park Harriers for a muddy, hilly run around the chevin.

The cameras missed me in the wood but here I am looking exhausted having just made it to the top of surprise view.

And, of course, it wouldn’t be the Chevin Chase without the traditional water dip.

My finish time was:


Around three minutes slower than last year. Not bad given I’m now 10% heavier. Lovely to see everyon and a big thank you to all of the volunteers who made the event happen.

The Last Tram

December 25th, 2023 | Books

My new novel is out!

I did NaNoWriMo for a second time this year and the result was an urban fantasy adventure set on the Dublin Luas. They say everyone has one great novel in them. This is not mine. But it is 30% bigger than my previous one thanks to increased line spacing.

It’s only available from Amazon. Why not nag your local Waterstones about stocking my books?