Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Mindfulness & Visualisation for Athletes

Friday, September 13th, 2019 | News

My new course, Mindfulness & Visualisation for Athletes, is now live. Here is the blurb:

Mindfulness and visualisation can help athletes train harder, perform better, stay motivated and even recover from injury faster. If you’re an athlete, a coach, or someone interested in sport psychology, this is the course for you.

It is a hands-on course in which we will do mindfulness practices and visualisation exercises together. We’ll also cover the theory behind how and why it works. We’ll learn in a variety of ways including exercises, videos, handouts and quizzes to reinforce the knowledge.

We’ll cover:

  • Focus
  • Confidence
  • Stress
  • Competition preparation
  • Motivation
  • Relaxation

And much more! Watch the video below to see the trailer or preview the course here.

Feel-good Productivity

Sunday, September 1st, 2019 | News, Success & Productivity

It’s the course launch people have been asking for. When I put up a question on Facebook earlier this summer, productivity was the number one topic that people asked me to teach.

I was hesitant. There are already a load of productivity courses out there, and I knew it would be difficult to write because productivity is a core part of my identity. In such circumstances we often find we procrastinate a lot because if we are unable to articulate and teach those skills, it challenges our self-esteem. Luckily, I’m a psychologist and I know how to deal with that. In fact, I teach those skills in the course.

Despite the competition, I decided to the time was right to make the course. Why? Because I don’t like a lot of the stuff out there. So many courses are about tricks to cram even more stuff into your schedule. They work, but they can leave you even more tired and stressed, or reinforce unrealistic expectations.

Feel-good Productivity is based on compassion. We’ll start by challenging the idea that you need to be productive. We’ll focus on getting rid of stuff from your calendar so that you can focus on what is truly important. We’ll deep-drive through the psychology of procrastination, avoidance, focus, goal-setting and grit so that you have evidence-based strategies for getting more done with less stress. And we’ll learn why relaxation and being kind to ourselves will boost our productivity in the long-term.

If all of that sounds good, I would love for you to join me inside the course. It has only been live a few days and almost a thousand students already have.

You can watch the course trailer below, or head over to Udemy for a full course preview including access to the first few lessons.

Resilient website

Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 | News

Last August, I launched the Resilient Running course. My sport psychology course has also been smashing it, earning Udemy’s coverted “highest-rated” badge for being the most well-regarded course on the topic.

It was always the plan that Resilient would be the brand that would link all of my sport and psychology courses together with, and I am pleased to announce that the Resilient website is now live.

So far, it is a sport psychology blog and the first few blog posts are up. My priority at the moment is to get more high-quality content on there and then begin expanding what the website offers.

Mindfulness for Productivity

Thursday, August 15th, 2019 | Health & Wellbeing, News

I’m pleased to announce my new course is now live! Here is the blurb:

Do you ever feel stressed about how productive you are? Are you hard on yourself for not getting enough done? Do you feel tired and struggle to focus on the more important things?

If so, Mindfulness for Productivity is the course for you. It gives you ten guided mindfulness practices you can follow along with to make you more productive, and maybe even a little happier, too.

It will help you:

  • Feel more motivated about your goals
  • Reduce stress around feeling unproductive
  • Focus on the things that are important
  • Carrying on when obstacles fall in your way
  • Starting and ending your day positively

This course is suitable for all levels: we’ll jump straight into the practice videos that you can follow along with, but we’ll also cover how to mindfully meditate and the science behind it.

You can preview the course on Udemy.

Public Speaking Without Fear course

Sunday, April 28th, 2019 | News, Public Speaking

Final course launch for April: overcoming the fear of public speaking. Here is the blurb:

Do you want to conquer your fear of public speaking, improve your confidence and build your communication skills?  Maybe you want to be an amazing speaker, or maybe you just want to feel less terrified every time you have to give a presentation at work or “say a few words”.

If so, this is the course for you.

We’ll start by learning 12 different strategies for managing public speaking anxiety. We’ll then move on to how to prepare, write and deliver amazing speeches. We’ll learn how to practise our skills in a safe space, with exercises workbooks and expert tips.

And here is the trailer:

Check it out on Udemy here.

Introduction to Social Psychology course

Saturday, April 27th, 2019 | News

I’ve launched a new course on social psychology. Here is the blurb:

Do you want to better understand the people around you? Why they think and act as they do? Maybe you have noticed people don’t always act rationally and are wondering why.

These are the questions that social psychology answers. It looks at how other people, groups, and wider society shape the way we think and behave.

It is an academic overview, but presented in a fun way with real-world examples, like what we can learn from climate change, elections, and even online dating.

And here is the trailer:

You can check it out on Udemy here.

Facebook Ads with Chris

Monday, April 22nd, 2019 | Business & Marketing, News

I’ve launched a new course on creating Facebook ads. Here is the blurb:

Do you want to master Facebook Ads? Maybe you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner looking to reach new customers. A marketer looking for new audiences. Or maybe you’re new to digital marketing and want to find out what it can do for you.

This is a complete beginner to advanced course: we’ll cover the basics from setting up your account and creating your first campaign to advanced topics like split testing, retargeting and instant experiences.

It’s a big course: three and a half hours of full HD video showing you exactly how to create ads as you follow my screen.

Worfolk Anxiety adds three more languages

Sunday, January 20th, 2019 | News

Worfolk Anxiety is predominantly an English language website. However, for years we’ve also had some of our best articles professionally translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

As of this month, we’re also making content available in French, Estonian and Polish. Depending on the results, we’re looking at adding more languages in the future, allowing an even wider audience to benefit from our help.

Digital Marketing for Therapists

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 | Business & Marketing, News

In June, I launched my course Digital Marketing for Restaurants to help restaurant owners and managers access new customers via digital media. Since then over a thousand people have enrolled on it and it has achieved a 5-star rating.

I’m now pleased to announce that I have launched a brand new digital marketing course, this time for therapists and counsellors.

It covers building websites, using Google Ads, using Google My Business, Facebook pages, posts and ads, and using Eventbrite. It’s available now on Udemy and you can preview it here.

Here’s the preview video:

Become a Mental Health Ambassador

Friday, November 30th, 2018 | Business & Marketing, News

Last week, I launched my new course Mental Health Ambassador Certificate. It offers you the chance to become a qualified Mental Health Ambassador, allowing us to improve mental health across society and help those in need.

My previous courses in mental health have predominantly been around self-help, so I’m excited to launch something that can help people help others. It teaches the fundamentals of a range of conditions, how to assist others using the Real Support Framework (REAL-SF) and how to speak confidentially about mental health.

So far, over 600 people have enrolled and the first wave has already begun to earn their certificates.

You can find the course on Udemy.