Posts Tagged ‘tesco’

Just like old times

Monday, August 25th, 2008 | Life

The chances are that most if not all of my friends (well technically they aren’t friends, they are colleagues as they are outside the circle) from work are never going to read this blog post. Never the less, I would like to say thanks for this weekend. It’s been amazing.

Having got out at a very reasonable time on Saturday night we settled down on the benches outside for a beer and sat around chatting for a while before heading off to Cass for a sandwhich. It was so like old times. It’s something that has really been missing from the night shift but very gradually, we’re bringing it back.

Sunday night we headed down to the pub quiz to spend our winnings from last week. We didn’t fair quite so well in the quiz this week though we did manage a rather impressive turn-out. We soon found our way to drive-thru and then by a series of interesting events, the car park at Tesco Garforth where we had spent countless nights over the years. Maybe my youth hasn’t quite slipped away just yet.

It’s only water

Sunday, August 24th, 2008 | Religion & Politics

A quick google around tells me that you can pick up a homeopathic remedy for anxiety for as little as £13.17 plus shipping.

But here is the thing. It’s just water.

Suddenly seems rather expensive for 15ml when Tesco are doing 2,000ml for a rather more reasonable £0.17.

It really makes you wonder however why the NHS are spending millions of pounds of our money on homeopathic remedies. And as such I’m starting a new campaign to promote greater understanding of homeopathic medicine because, much like religion, the thing that will do the most damage is if people actually learn what it’s about.

You can learn more about the bullshit the NHS is spending money on at the campaign’s website, It’s Only Water.

Life is expensive

Thursday, June 19th, 2008 | Friends, Life

In preperation for our upcoming house move and Oli needing to get alcohol and snacks in for his birthday party tonight we headed off to Tesco (via a few other shops last night) and managed to spend a rather impressive £260 between us!

Between the endless series of deliveries for things we need for the new house as well, I’m rather scared of looking at my credit card bills. Especially as my wages for the next 6 weeks are basically going to pay for my rent and maybe my petrol :o.