Posts Tagged ‘galileo day feast’

Galileo Day Feast

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 | Foundation

In celebration of Galileo Day we headed to Browns for the traditional Galileo Day Feast.

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Galileo Day 2011

Sunday, February 20th, 2011 | Foundation

Galileo Day Lecture

Last Tuesday, 15 February, saw the third annual Galileo Day celebration.

In Leeds, Michael Braham delivered this year’s Galileo Day Lecture on the life and work of Galileo and the traditional Galileo Day Feast was held afterward at Red Hot World Buffet.

Galileo Day

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 | Events, News

In the spirit of promoting secular holidays, there is now an official website for Galileo Day. I use the term official loosely because how do you really have an official site for a holiday? Obviously, the answer is you don’t but it’s as close to some kind of official website as you can really get.

There isn’t much on it at the moment other than a bit of information on the holiday and how to enjoy a traditional Galileo Day Feast but this should expand over time.