Posts Tagged ‘awareness’

Don’t cover it up

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012 | Video

This is a great PSA by Lauren Luke.

YouTube link is here if you’re having problems with the embedded code.

All Night Debate

Monday, March 21st, 2011 | Humanism

We finished off Reason Week in the traditional manner – with an all night debate outside the union, talking to people about the society and what we do. It might have been a cold night but never the less myself, James, Rich, Michael, Elina and Elletra braved the night air until 3am.

Leeds Reason Week 2011

Sunday, March 13th, 2011 | Humanism

Thanks to everyone who helped out to make Leeds Reason Week 2011 a fantastic success. A big thanks to whose who put the time in during the day the man the stall and allow us to talk to so many people and it is great to see James successfully made it through the week without exploding from organising everything – good result all round!