Archive for January, 2006

Agh. Eniac is busy!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 | Life

What’s this about? I walked in here just now and there are people here! That’s just not right, Eniac is supposed to be all deserted and empty so that I can have my pick of computers. I guess closing Colossus down really is going to have an affect.

A long, long day

Monday, January 30th, 2006 | Life

I got up at 8 am today to get down for breakfast and get an early bus into town. And yes, I have Dawson’s Creek series 6 on DVD!. 9:15 this morning down at Virgin Megastores buying it. Had lectures beginning from 10 (well a tutorial first) and that went on until 4 (with an hours break but still it’s an aweful day).

After that I went back to Michelle’s flat as she is trying to tempt me over to the dark side of self-catered accommodation so cooked me a meal :P. Then we started watching Dawson’s Creek on her laptop and got through the entire first disk.

Then some talking followed and by that time it was 11 so I’ve just got back now basically. And now I have a load of website updates to do. Long day!

Oh btw, I have DC!

Monday, January 30th, 2006 | Life

Wow, can’t believe I didn’t mention this. I guess I’m trying to forget about it as I don’t finish till 4 today and I really badly want to go home and watch it now. I screamed when I found it in Virgin :p. Seriously, although it was one of my “teen drama screams” that I do when something important happens or some characters kiss, etc.

So yeah, I got up at 8 and went down to get it from Virgin this morning to use up the last of my vouchers. I’m thinking of getting the extended edition series finale DVD too although I haven’t worked out what sequence to watch them in if I did. Probably watch the entire boxset including the finale episodes and then watch the extended versions. It’s all very complicated ;).

Speaking of teen dramas I almost missed the latest episode of The O.C. yesterday. I missed it on Channel 4 but at 5:55, Katie Humpage asked me if I had E4 as she had missed it and watched to watch it on Second Chance Sunday. Thank Encoria she did or I probably would have missed it. But I managed to get my freeview box working in time to see it. And it was good. Though I’m not about to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it yet. I don’t know if it was series 1 good but then I was so fired up back then thaty few things will be.

Save Dawson’s Creek series 6 hopefully. Someone said that apparently it’s not as good, the final series. But after going through the whole Eve thing in series 3 I can’t see that it could be that bad. I mean that was terrible but I still couldn’t turn my back on it. I also got speaking to Naked Dave this morning at breakfast (you know, I’ve mentioned two people from my halls and their names are Humps and Naked Dave, what does that say about the first year of uni :p) who says he used to watch it but stopped after like series 3. It’s great to know that there are other people who don’t think it’s a big pile of crap :D. Which of course it isn’t, DC is like the greatest show ever. And Dawson rock! Sure Joey is a good character but the clue is in the name.

MSN didn’t last long

Monday, January 30th, 2006 | Life

Although I’m still getting plenty of traffic from MSN, as the amount of people searching on MSN rises the quality seems to be plumeting. I just ran a search for Carmen Electra to find the first few pages packed with generic directories and crap. The problem with Google is that this happened because it became a victim of it’s own success. It happening to MSN when they only have like a 15% market share when Google managed to hold the SEOers off until they had like 30-40% isn’t a good sign for MSN.

It’s tomorrow!

Sunday, January 29th, 2006 | Life

Dawson’s Creek series 6 comes out on DVD tomorrow! I’m going down to town early to get a copy before lectures. It means getting up like 30 minutes before I really need to (which is really impressive for a student) but it’s worth it. Now I just need to know how I can watch it while at uni.

I only have an hour break in my 5 hours of lectures which is a pretty intense day. Maybe I can fake a heart attack and get out of my last few lectures.

And I’m back

Sunday, January 29th, 2006 | Life

Ok a more complete round-up. My new project is almost ready to launch which is cool. I have another one on now though which I blew most of today working on. Will try and hack more into my to-do list tomorrow. Although it’s technically later today.

So with it technically being Sunday that means that Dawson’s Creek series 6 comes out on DVD tomorrow! I may have to skip Monday to go get it. Sure I could fit both uni and going to get it in but it’s the principle of the thing.

Bod Bar was cool tonight, I started off with some cokes as I wasn’t going to get smashed as we weren’t going out but I decided to switch at like 10:30 so I ended up downing three bottles in twenty minutes which kicked in just as we got back. That was a fun 15 minutes trying to type ;).

An update for today

Saturday, January 28th, 2006 | Life

Well didn’t get too much done today. In fact I’ve just realised I have 18 minutes to update Opps! Had a wicked time in Bod Bar though we spent like over an hour playing “Have You Ever?”

Thank Smith it’s Friday

Friday, January 27th, 2006 | Life

The weekend! I’m done with lectures for the week and I can hack into my all new to do list. It’s basically the same as the old to do list with more things on though. Someone remind me to ring Craig tonight.

The Wizard of Oz

Friday, January 27th, 2006 | Life

As I mentioned yesteday I spent tonight (when I say I mentioned yesterday I mean tonight except that it’s past midnight so anyway…) watching The Wizard of Oz at the union. It was pretty good. It was basically a lot of dance numbers but then it wasn’t like a musical, it was a play just with added dancing ;).

After that we went down to The Old Bar where they were having some kind of indie band night. I only caught the last song of a band named Azure Glow who were cool (I bought their EP, £3 which was pretty good) and then some other band that were more hardcore.

In the spirit of getting into the student lifestyle, I’ve just had a chicken curry. I didn’t like curry and I can say that I’m still not a huge fan of it really. It was only a medium and that’s a little too hot for me still. Probably should have gone with rice as I can’t be bothered with the chibatas but live and learn.

Life is crazy II

Thursday, January 26th, 2006 | Life

OMG, I can’t believe how busy I am today. I got up at like 7:15 as mentioned two posts ago and I got to uni for 9. Then I’ve been at uni all day until now when I’ve just got home. And now I have 1 hour 20 minutes to update my websites, get down to dinner (which starts at like 5:30 so I will need to be there at 5:20 to beat the queues) and get on a bus to be back at the uni for 6:30.

I’m going to see The Wizard of Oz play at the Riley Smith Hall in the union tonuight for some reason. Sarahann talked me into it somehow. Then we’re heading of to Japanic afterwards with anime sock providing I have enough done to spare the time.