Posts Tagged ‘rationalist week’

Rationalist Week has arrived

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 | Events, Humanism

I haven’t blogged in a while, mainly because I’ve been so busy with Rationalist Week. If you are around LUU any time this week drop in for a drink, we have events going at 12 noon, 2pm, 4pm and 7pm every day as well as all night debate on Friday and live entertainment at certain points too.

Call log

Saturday, April 12th, 2008 | Humanism, Life

It’s been a busy few days.

Friday: 15
Thursday: 14
Wednesday: 13

I couldn’t say before this date as my call log doesn’t go back that far (I only knew Wednesday’s because I already knew the figure, half the calls have already moved off the list).

Yeah, organising things is fun.

FYP first draft handed in

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 | Life

Having pretty much finished the first draft of my FYP on Friday I made a few tweaks to it today and handed it in to my supervisor to have a look over.

This should probably be a time for celebration but given I need to do some more work on it as well as sort everything out for Rationalist Week and do my AI23 coursework I’m not really celebrating. Not because I think I shouldn’t but because I just don’t feel any different from having handed it in.

I mean, it’s 2am, I’m tired and I’m going to bed. But not to sleep. I’m taking work to bed again. Somehow curling up in a nice warm bed isn’t quite the same when you know you’re going to spend the next hour starring at a laptop screen trying to get some work done.

Disasters & pitfalls

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 | Humanism, Life

So A-Soc still has no money. We’ve spent a lot of it but we don’t have any. Any chance of getting sponsorship is all but gone we’re in a deep financial mess.

Meanwhile I found out yesterday that Michelle has stolen Norm on the Tuesday night. So he will miss Mike Lake, not that Mike Lake has a confirmed topic to speak on yet.

Oh and the marquee hire company got back to us this morning to say they couldn’t get a crew to put the tent up on Sunday so they are doing it Monday morning. Despite the fact we are all meeting on Sunday to decorate the tent. Indeed I booked the weekend off work (at considerable cost to myself) to do just that.

I could go on. I could talk about how we don’t even have a generator booked yet because the hire company haven’t got back to me and a list of hundreds of people who have failed to return my emails. But I’ll save that for a later blog post.

Coming up with a plan

Saturday, March 29th, 2008 | Life

Stress levels are rising. Ignoring the fact that I have like a week left to finish the first entire draft of my FYP write-up, the fact I have 10 hour shifts at work today and tomorrow, the fact I need to fight Vodaphone over bricking my phone, the fact I need to have a bitch at o2 because my new SIM won’t work, the fact I need to speak to careers, the fact I need to find a job, the fact I still need to catch up on a load of work for my business and the fact I need to sort my financial situation out, Rationalist Week is like 2 weeks away.

So, does anyone else fancy spending every night for the next two weeks in The Terrace shooting pool and getting really drunk until we can’t remember our troubles? ;).