Posts Tagged ‘pub’

End of a long week

Saturday, January 10th, 2009 | Friends, Life

Many of us having gone back to work this week, it got to Friday and there was nothing else to do but hit the pub. Plus with it being Kieran’s birthday it was a good reason to celebrate, even if Kieran was a few hundred miles away in Swindon.

It was a rather good turn out in the end with myself, Si, Sarann, Michelle, Greg, Nicola and Kate turning up. Not that I got chance to speak to anyone other than Si or Sarann but I’m sure I will get chance to at some point in the next week.

Si and Chris Michelle and Greg Sarann, Nicola and Kate

One night at the pub

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009 | Friends, Life

The New Year’s Eve party having got a little bigger than the Facebook guest list would suggest, I suggested to Si and Kieran that we go for a bit more of a relaxed drink on Friday at our favourite local watering hole, the Deer Park.

It almost snowballed out of control again, having invited my housemates and then Kate having text me to see what was going on, though in the end it was just five of us which is a perfectly managable number. I also had somewhat of a challenge with the organisation given I was still at a wedding when it started and so was organisating from the other side of town.

Still it turned into quite a pleasant night with us staying till well after time had been called.

Michelle and Kate Si and Chris Kieran and Si

Pub crawl

Monday, September 29th, 2008 | Events, Humanism

Speaking of freshers’ week events, Thursday was the pub crawl, a bit of a good old fashioned social to introduce the new members to the society.

Not that our new member turn out was particuarly impressive, it wasn’t, and it certainly wasn’t what we hoped for but they came none the less. More importantly in the end, plenty of existing members turned up and had a great night by all accounts. I’m glad someone did.

We made it through The Old Bar, The Fenton, Dry Dock, Bourbon, Courtyard and Weatherspoon’s before finally being stopped by a very closed Bar Censsa. I mean, who the hell is closed on freshers’ week? Apparently quite a few places. Town was dead for what you would think would be the busiest week of the year. Still, that just got us served faster 😀 .

George is just a number

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 | Events, Humanism

The final A-Soc social of the summer ended on a rather good note with 17 people turning up. We were yet again screwed over by the union but never the less things proceeded well with us re-grouping in The Old Bar for a night of good fun that didn’t end until gone midnight.

Especially given Nicola and Zoltan were at a gig, Moz is in Europe, Rich is missing in action, Bo was on a date, Gijsbert has just disappeared, Brett couldn’t make it down, Rosie is in America Bevis couldn’t make it either. These are just A-Soc hardcores if you also add people like Oli, Chinese Matt and Charlie we did fantastically to say so many people weren’t there.

Roll on freshers’ week!

The nights are drawing in

Friday, September 5th, 2008 | Life

When I left work on Wednesday, it was dark.

Though that was mainly due to the fact that I didn’t leave work until 21:45. That was a long meeting. Dean said it would finish around 6 when we first planned it. Of course none of us actually believed that it would ;).

I headed over to Napa to get in a quick drink for Michelle’s pub thing before finally grabbing some dinner and going home to get some work done. Managed to get to bed at 2am which wasn’t going to result in a good night’s sleep. Still as long as the podcasting session the next day didn’t go on too late…

The power of Chris compels you

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008 | Humanism

Another Tuesday, another record breaking A-Soc social. This time we managed 18 people just creeping ahead of the previous summer socials and most probably the most well attended event since Rationalist Week 2008. We had more people in there than the rest of The Old Bar put together including both patrons and staff.

There were so many people I wanted to chat to I didn’t manage to make it round everybody though I did manage to beat Oli at pool. It was fantastic to see everyone in good spirits too – Rich returned for a second week which was fantastic, Liz got quite drunk, George was out and about and both Matt’s were brandishing a smile which I am most pleased about.

The evening came close (in a way) with my somehow standing on the steps outside of the union preaching about upcoming events to everyone and though I am reliably informed by a multitude of texts from various people that many of the others went on to party in Hyde Park. Fantastic stuff.


Monday, July 28th, 2008 | Life

Life isn’t ever going to slow down it is? I hoped it would when I graduated, that it wouldn’t be quite as hectic. I didn’t want it to slow down too much, I would have settled for just a bit. But I’m not sure I’m actually going to get that.

Having had our house warming on Friday at which I managed to work my way through a bottle of spirits without being too worse for wear on Saturday we headed down to the Deer Park for some recovery steak. Having eaten that I headed off straight to work for an interesting night of watching smartly dressed Opera in the Park goers look very out of place and made it home to bed for around 3am.

Once again dragging my ass out of bed a little earlier than I would have really liked to we headed back to the Deer Park for Sunday lunch. Having got back from that I then spent the afternoon battling through a week’s worth of freelancing work I needed to catch up on before heading to the pub quiz.

FYP is over!

Thursday, April 24th, 2008 | Life

I opened my curtains this morning.

That is a big event.

Not the act itself, but what it represents. For the first time in about two weeks I was doing something offer than arriving home, going to bed, getting up and going to uni. I normally go quite a while between opening my curtains (it generally happens once or twice a week at best) because I’m so busy normally but recently it’s been over 2 weeks since I have had them open.

That having been said, I’m a little disappointed that the weight has not really been lifted off my shoulders. I still have huge amounts of work to do and a to-do list trailing onto three pages. Plus exam revision starts soon, then working at whatever job I take. Maybe there is no magical break coming in the next few months, do we actually have to wait to retirement now?

Still, who cares, I actually feel rested for the first time in ages having spend 7 and a half hours in the pub yesterday and slept for a good 10 hours this morning. Good times.

Coming up with a plan

Saturday, March 29th, 2008 | Life

Stress levels are rising. Ignoring the fact that I have like a week left to finish the first entire draft of my FYP write-up, the fact I have 10 hour shifts at work today and tomorrow, the fact I need to fight Vodaphone over bricking my phone, the fact I need to have a bitch at o2 because my new SIM won’t work, the fact I need to speak to careers, the fact I need to find a job, the fact I still need to catch up on a load of work for my business and the fact I need to sort my financial situation out, Rationalist Week is like 2 weeks away.

So, does anyone else fancy spending every night for the next two weeks in The Terrace shooting pool and getting really drunk until we can’t remember our troubles? ;).