Posts Tagged ‘cuthbert brodrick’

Zoltan and the steak

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 | Friends, Humanism, Life

A-Soc social rolled around on Tuesday though despite it being steak night the Cuthbert Brodrick had, somehow, managed to run out of rump and sirloin steak! Luckily we were all ordering mixed grills so it worked out alright in the end.

What followed was a night of long debate and drinking – Rich getting through two bottles of wine by himself! Probably suggested to him by Kate who then proceeded to try and molest him.

Chris Kate and Rich Rich and Kate

Drunken Sundays

Monday, August 17th, 2009 | Friends, Life

We seem to be rapidly developing some kind of pub sandwich system for Sundays at the moment where we go to the pub, then go do something, then go back to pub.

We kicked Sunday off at the Scarborough Hotel for some lunch which was most enjoyable as their food always is. We did however have to suffer a random pricing structure though in which a pint of coke was charged at either £0.80, £1.20, £1.50 or £2.40 depending on when you went up. Crazy.

Once we had finished up here we headed over to the Leeds Museum before going for more drinks at the Cuthbert Brodrick where we eventually had dinner as well. We also found the almost resident Alex in there as well – she assured us she does leave sometimes but personally I’m not convinced.

Lil and Chris Kate and Chris George

The long goodbye

Monday, August 17th, 2009 | Events, Friends, Life

Saturday night was Michelle’s leaving do before she heads off to Lancaster, on purpose, to do a PGCE to convert her useful highly paid high potential career progression computing degree into a teaching one.

Having started the night at Little Tokyo we then headed to Cuthbert Brodrick, Fab Cafe and finally Wendy House. Wendy was pretty good as turnout was low but Stylus was closed which resulted in there being plenty of people in Mine but there still being tickets left, the perfect combination.

In any case, I hope we managed a reasonable send-off. It was 4am by the time we made to bed which is respectable if not quite all night.

Cuthbert Brodrick Lil and Chris Wendy House

Steak night

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 | Humanism, Life

Tuesday night saw the second A-Soc summer social since the move to Cuthbert Brodrick. It was a fine move indeed with it being steak night! So having enjoyed a variety of steaks (including a mixed grill for myself) we settled in with some drinks and chatted the night away like old times. Apparently some people were intoxicated but I can’t say I noticed.

Chris Social Sophie