Posts Tagged ‘culture’

Humble Inquiry

Sunday, February 19th, 2017 | Books

Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling is a book by Edgar Schein. It is a relatively short book and the title gives most of it away: we need to do more asking and do less telling.

Making this change is tough. We live in a culture that celebrates task accomplishment, It is a world where the boss tells and the worker does not. Often, the subordinate will be too fearful to be honest with their superior. This is even true in emergency situations. Fatal mistakes during surgery, for example, or airline crashes can often be traced back to this.

I want you to be completely honest with me. Even if it costs you your job.

As a leader, it is your job to establish an atmosphere where people can speak up. You need to understand the cultural and generation differences regarding the risk of humiliation. People will try to avoid humiliating you at all costs. This is fine most of the time, but not when you are about to give the wrong medication or make a terminal mistake in business.

The best way to achieve this is to create a personal relationship. Professionalism will not win out: it would be unprofessional to embarrass your boss. Instead, you need to build a relationship where subordinates feel they can overcome these barriers. And, as the boss, it is up to you to set how much personal disclosure is appropriate.

Kirkstall Abbey

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 | Life, Photos

On Thursday myself and Kieran braved the bitter cold to go for a wander round Kirkstall Abbey. A lot of it was unfortunately closed off but we got round the main parts and the visitor’s centre which was informative if a little brief.

Leeds Museum

Monday, August 17th, 2009 | Distractions, Reviews

We finally made it to the Leeds Museum on Sunday and while we only had an hour or so to get round it, it was quite interesting none the less. It was a little more grand than I had expected with a large arena style room in the centre and plenty of winding staircases with different exhibits on the different floors.

We made it round most of it in the time we were in there but most of it in a rush so we could have easily spent a few more hours in there. All in all, worth a visit though nothing spectacular.

George Leeds Museum Tuna

Tropical World

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 | Life

With me having some free time on Tuesday afternoon, I headed down to Tropical World, accompanied by Norm and Lil, finally having moved to Roundhay over nine months ago now.

It’s an amazing resource really – a tropical jungle in the middle of Leeds; it’s quite random. I’m not sure how many other cities have them but I don’t think it’s many.

It was well worth the visit, if only to be warm for a little while lol, and I got plenty of pictures too so you can’t go wrong.

Waterfall Looking thoughtful Chris, Lil and Norm

Fish Lizard Meerkat