Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Venla at nine months

Monday, August 14th, 2017 | Family & Parenting, Photos

It is safe to say that Venla is now more dangerous than ever. She can shuffle. And she is quickly perfecting the art of speed shuffling: every day it gets faster. Which means she can get to draws, and pans, and balconies.

Time for shopping.


Kerny’s first birthday

Sunday, June 25th, 2017 | Life, Photos

Earlier this month, Kerny turned one. We celebrated with a picnic at Tetley Green.

Your monthly Venla fix

Saturday, June 24th, 2017 | Family & Parenting, Photos

Missing out on the latest Venla pictures? You probably need to follow me on Instagram. For those of you who are not down with the kids, here are some photos…

Venla learnt to wave last month. SHe’s enjoying it.

In May, we went back to Leeds SOUP to report on the progress at Anxiety Leeds. Venla screamed her head off last time, so this time I took her up to the front to give the talk with me. She seemed much happier in the limelight.

We went for a walk along the canal and let Venla sit in the grass. She was not sure about it at first but got used to it after a while.

You know Oreo’s? The biscuit that nobody likes because once you take the cream away from them they are just this really dry, flavourless biscuit? Well, turns out they are incredibly chocolatey in the right hands. This was shortly before Venla sent my cocktail glass smashing to the ground.

Panini in Pateley Bridge

Saturday, May 27th, 2017 | Photos

This is not how you spell panini. Panini itself is plural. It’s an Italian word. The singular is panino. Therefore, there is no need to put an s on the end.

Worst still, though, is that if you zoom in, you can see someone has rubbed something out before the s. An apostrophe, no doubt.

Venla vs food

Monday, April 10th, 2017 | Family & Parenting, Photos

Venla hasn’t started with solids yet. But we have been giving her some things to try.

Like this plate, for example.

I don’t know why they make baby’s spoons out of rubber. It essentially turns them into a catapult, allowing them to fling food right across the room.

Normal human beings shouldn’t be able to eat a lemon without wincing, right?

Christmas at the Crowne Plaza

Thursday, March 16th, 2017 | Photos

I took this photo in February.

Still, maybe the Crowne Plaza is just so popular that you have to book your Christmas do in February. Not that any Toastmasters will be eating there after what happened last time.

Never work with children or animals

Monday, February 13th, 2017 | Family & Parenting, Photos

Do you know how many photos you have to take before you can get one of a smiling baby? The answer is a lot.


Friday, February 10th, 2017 | Photos

Recently, I was walking home, when I noticed someone had strung a banner across the bridge saying “smile”. I did. It was good. I think if people hung these banners everywhere I went, I would be a lot happier. Unfortunately, the banner has since been removed.

The top floor

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 | Life, Photos

We moved into our apartment three years ago. We are on the fourth floor, but the building goes much higher. For years, we talked about going up to the top floor and seeing what the view was like. But we never did. I am not sure why. It felt silly to schedule it in, but we never felt like a spontaneous trip.

Until now.

Turns out that the view up there was not that exciting. It looks a lot like the view from our balcony, but with a slightly better overview of the car park. Probably not worth the three-year wait… You can at least see the town hall in the way we used to be able to become MPEC built more of their offices.

Sleepy baby

Friday, January 6th, 2017 | Family & Parenting, Photos

In what possible way could this ever be a comfortable position to sleep?