You can never go home again

Kaitlin just said this on The O.C. (which I could do to catch up on now I’m home). They were talking about whether the place changes or you. Which got me in somewhat of a philosophical mood.

I wanted to see what other people thought so I did what any one of us would do – I Googled it. The first result I came up with was an article by E. LeMay Lathan. I also ran the search through blog search and came across posts by Al Martine and a girl named Paige.

I think I believe it’s you that changes, as home was different when I came home. Or was it. That said, I had only been gone for a few months and I had been home several times in that time for a night or whatever. But when I moved back at Christmas things had changed. It was the little things. Like the fact they had re-arranged the days in which people get to pick what is on TV.

Then again, maybe it hasn’t changed. I seem to have gone back, right into my old lifestyle and every is carrying on as if I had never left. I mean, I’m going to go out with my friends over the holidays (not that I didn’t hang out with my friends before but like on nights out this time) but other than that, what is different? I still spent most of my time sat on my computer in my room, watching TV and very little else.

But the real inspiration for the post was not what I was doing at home, but rather that I didn’t want to be home. Before I left I was quite happy to be at home. Now I’m not. I want to be back at uni, there I’m free to live a completely reckless lifestyle :D. There’s a downside to it but it’s well worth it.

And I think that the saying could well mean that you can never regain the feeling. That is I think is fairly safe to say is true. But I’m hoping that turns out to be a good thing. It worries me that when I’m say 30 or 40, I will still wish I was a student as I love being a student. It scares me how fast time is passing though I have to believe that when I reach that age I will feel I am ready for the next stage in my life.



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