Why free speech media isn’t cool

Ok, don’t get me wrong, free speech media is cool. I wasn’t implying that it is uncool, what I simply mean is that it isn’t, wow that is sooo cool like it was in the olden days. And will be in the future when we live in a totalitarian society and opinions are now allowed (I am thinking of Logan in Dark Angel here).

Back in the 50’s and 60’s free speech media was really cool because very few people did it and it was underground (The Lone Gunmen from the X-Files is a prime example) and the government controlled most of the media so free speech media was important. Now though everyone is doing it.

Not only are most media institutions but there is also the internet. On the net not only can every nerd around the globe post their opinion, but every nerd around the globe does post their opinion. And with the advent of blogs they do this several times a day. I mean, I am doing it now.

It isn’t that we don’t need free speech media. But today there is loads of it! That is why it doesn’t enjoy the cool underground reputation it used to do. Because  today, it is the mainstream media.



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