Why aren’t you selling me anything?

Ok, so this morning or something (the request was there when I got home) someone added me to MSN. She messaged me at like 1am and started introducing herself. She asked for my pic, showed me hers, she’s hot. Really, hot. She explains how she used to do a bit of cam work and that she was always horny.

This is new on me. I’m used to bots trying to chat me up over IM but why a real person? She was a real person, she would have passed the Turing test with flying colours. Ok, two options. She’s still working cams and looking for a big sale, or, it’s Gaz.

Well, going with the path that she is actually a female and not one of my friends with a fake MSN account, she eventually points me to two forums she hangs out on. One of them is down though. Then she asks me for a link. What is going on there? Why isn’t she trying to sell me something?

At this point I’m still going with the “it’s someone with a fake MSN account trying to screw with me” theory, after all, they did ask me to send them some dirty pictures of myself and who would seriously want me to do that? The obvious answer to me is someone who would want to plaster it over Facebook.

So I’m left with these two theories. That or she is actually legit. But then what are the odds of some ex-stripper randomly getting my MSN address and trying to chat me up? Let’s me realistic here, not high. She makes another comment about being horny every day. What am I supposed to say to that? Congrats? Good for you? Please explain why you are chatting to me?

The conversation moves on again. She thinks I’m a little disconnected and suggests we play 20 questions. I ask her where she is from and she replies Manchester. She’s interested in my music taste and shares my love of Feeder and Billy Talent. She went to an AFI gig, hmmm. She explains that she works at Sainsbury’s. Why would you lie about that? This seems a little too deep in for a sale. She seems geniune. We continue chatting. She likes reading and even names her favourite book. She knows her stuff.

After chatting for about 2 hours she explains she needs to go to bed as she has to be up for work at 12. She tells me she’ll speak to me next time we’re both online and ends the chat with “bye xxx.”

Seriously, what just happened to me? Was a very attractive girl just chatting to me for 2 hours? I mean think of the evidence against this. It’s me, things like this don’t happen to me. She is attractive enough to be a stripper. She wants pictures of me. Everything screams at me that something is not geniune. Except our actual chat. Could it be that I have become so jaded with the constant spamming that attacks my inbox, forums, blogs and instant messenger accounts that I now mistake everything and everyone for a fake?

I take a brief pause from narrating my life to scare the crap of myself thinking today is Sunday night as my clock says, and thinking I have missed a shift at work tonight before realising it’s past midnight and it’s now Sunday morning rather than Saturday night. Not quite the climax to this post I was hoping for.

It’s been a weird day. I’ve actually got a bit of work done today which was good. I’ve updated my VPS, I’ve done some coding and and in the category of less-productive things that got done I’ve installed WoW on my new laptop (it works fine too!) in preparation for in-lecture playing. The productiveness has lifted my spirits a little though I think it’s probably just one of the many eyes in the storm that is my life.



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