This week’s computer problems

My Windows desktop (Inca) stopped displaying things like filenames. They just disappear into blank test whenever you try to open a file.

My Linux desktop (Zapotec) refuses to play DVDs despite now having the codec installed.

My file server (Olmec) won’t boot if I initialise some of the hard drives into an array. Individually they work fine, if I plug them into the motherboard’s SATA connections. But if I try to run them through my really expensive RAID controller the computer complains of a boot failure even if I just put one into a JBOD configuration.

My Linux server (Nazca) is a write-off because I installed Webmin and Webmin now refuses to remove itself or allow me to run any kind of updates.

My laptop (Toltec) can’t even make 3 hours battery life anymore.

One of my web servers (Jennifer) is just being really, really slow despite my restarting like every service on it.

So, back to this plan for us to all run away and become pirates…



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This entry was posted on Friday, February 1st, 2008 at 4:19 pm and is filed under Tech. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.