Posts Tagged ‘sitcoms’

Completely ludicrous situations

Monday, July 27th, 2009 | Life

I managed to get some desks off Freecycle for the new apartment. However, having already agreed to collect them I found I needed to pick them up this morning at 10:30 which I obviously couldn’t do as I was at work.

Therefore in order to solve said problem I rang round and arranged with a man in a van to go round and pick them up. I had already arranged with the people I was collecting off though so I didn’t get a chance to tell them I was sending someone else and the guy I was sending to collect them didn’t seem to understand I wasn’t going to be there but would only be there to receive the goods when he arrived at my office.

This guy phones me at 10:15 saying he can’t find the place and wanted some directions. I only have an address, I don’t know which place it is he is actually supposed to be collecting from but give him the general area.

He phones me back after finding it and says that nobody is there. So I tell him I will find out what is going on, explaining once again that I am at the destination, not the origin. I then phone Alex to find out what is going on who says he will phone Richard and find out what is going on.

I give him a few minutes then phone Nick back who says he can’t get through to Richard but gives me Richard’s phone number. I phone that but Richard doesn’t answer so I phone the van man back to tell him who tells them that Richard has turned up and he is collecting the desks as we speak.

Soon enough and he is on the road and delivers them to the office. At which point he insists on calling me Richard. I mean, it’s like a sitcom that is happening to you.