Posts Tagged ‘podger’


Monday, June 15th, 2009 | Friends, Life

As part of our social life on a budget, we headed out to KFC on Sunday for a spot of dinner, especially given the new wraps are out. I didn’t like have a wrap or anything but I did take a look at the wraps that Craig and Zoe got which I feel was adventurous enough.

Afterwards we headed to The Podger with Craig having a quick pint before heading back home leaving me and Felix to have a far more drawn out one discussing sex, money, rock ‘n roll, etc (at least when he wasn’t flirting with a certain someone else on the phone – the cheek!).

Felix Chris Fire

The Podger

Thursday, May 21st, 2009 | Friends, Life

Having had a rather lazy weekend (for me anyway lol) I headed over to The Podger on Sunday night for a quick drink or two.

It turns out that pubs change quite a lot in a decade.

It probably hasn’t quite been a decade since I was last in there but I bet it isn’t far off. It’s quite nice in there, I managed to avoid any weird looks from wearing my A-Soc hoodie which is always nice. Throw in a few drinks and beating Craig at pool and what more can you ask for? 😀