Posts Tagged ‘never gonna give you up’

They see me rollin’

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 | Life

Having hatched a plot while drinking in The Old Bar on Monday night, myself and Mr. O’Shea arrived at 9:30am Friday morning in LT17, the lecture theatre in which we were due to have our last ever lecture, and indeed, our lecturer, Dr. Nick Efford’s last lecture in SoC also. With such an occasion we obviously had to go out in style.

Soon we had concealed within the desks at the front a laptop and a pair of travel speakers set to run a scheduled task and play an MP3 at 10:25, midway through the lecture. I’m sure you can guess which certain MP3 that was :D. The plan went off without a hitch. Now if only we can find a way to get that live band in for next time…