Posts Tagged ‘carl’

Sports night

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 | Humanism

Last Friday we ran our inaugural sports night at A-Soc. IT was very much targetted at the needs of our society members – sports included Scrabble, Magic: The Gathering and Monopoly (what, those are real sports!). We tried out best to keep physical sports out but a few crept in, in the form of pool and badminton.

To round off the evening Carl also turned up and after narrowly beating him in a game of pool (the man is a shark, we rarely get such a challenge from fellow A-Soc members though I am yet to play Moz) we sat down to talk about the Gospel and do some faith healing on Nicola. She informs me the bruising hasn’t gone away though, which it normally should have done naturally by now, so I’m not sure what is going on there.

In any case it was a good night on the most part and one we’re hoping to repeat soon.