Chris Worfolk's Blog

Yoga Lab

October 11th, 2023 | Life

It’s been a while since I’ve done much in-person yoga but I’ve finally found a new yoga studio I like: Yoga Lab. They do gentle flow classes which are great because they are relaxing but also have a sufficient level of challenge that we’re not doing nothing.

Porterstown parkrun

October 9th, 2023 | Sport

After four weeks of not running it is good to be back! I’m still not feeling great but I managed to run the whole thing so I was pleased with that.

The parkrun itself is nice enough. Three laps around a field, so nothing to write home about (although I am writing about it here) but the marshals were friendly and everyone had a good time. Not to be confused with Waterstown which is, ironically, next door.


October 5th, 2023 | Books

Neverwhere is a fantasy novel by Neil Gaiman.

I put off reading it because I wasn’t sure if I would get all of the London Underground references but you really don’t need to understand the tube to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did. More than American Gods which was good in itself.

Taking some self-care

October 5th, 2023 | Health & Wellbeing

For the past month, I’ve been having a hard time with my physical and mental health. it has been a tough gig because I have been doing client work throughout, so helping others manage their mental health while managing my own has been quite a challenge. Not made any easier due to medication limiting my ability to exercise.

Luckily, I have a very supportive family to draw upon. One of the downsides of greater mobility is that we can often find ourselves in a new cities, or even new countries, that take us away from our support networks and it can be difficult to rebuild those locally, especially when working multiple jobs, and studying, and doing whatever else we may have going on in our personal lives.

I’ve also gone as far as to do nothing. Or at least nothing “productive”. I’ve read a lot of books, destroyed a lot of civilizations on Age of Empires II, and finished off the whole of Downton Abbey. Not forgetting some time at the beach, as well.

The Trial

October 4th, 2023 | Books

The Trial is a murder mystery novel by Rob Rinder.

I was briefly ensure about the overly descriptive language and characters announcing their beliefs in an Atlas Shrugged manner but this soon gave way to a fascinating narrative that provided intrigue, drama and human interest. I can’t wait for the next one.

Birthday parties

September 23rd, 2023 | Family & Parenting

Venla had her second birthday party of the 2023/2024 year today. I’m not ready to have a daughter with a better social life than me. It’s too much too fast!

Griffeen parkrun

September 17th, 2023 | Sport

Another week, another new parkrun. This is two laps of flat sith a short stretch through some trees but otherwise around the edge of fields. Unfortunately, I felt ill on the second lap and had to walk most of it. But I still came home in under 40 minutes so the first lap can’t have gone too bad. I managed to get a post-run brownie from the coffee van, too.

Psychology of Successful People

September 11th, 2023 | News

Learn the ten essential attitudes and behaviours we can adopt to make ourselves happier and more successful.

I originally developed this course in July 2021 as a personal development course. It teaches cognitive and behavioural pathways to success. What success means is up to you, but regardless of your goal there are a set of replicable strategies that can help.

The course has now been re-developed for Holbeck College. You can preview it here.

Waterstown parkrun

September 10th, 2023 | Sport

Waterstown parkrun celebrated their 400th event this week. Which meant there was cake! It is a lovely course, too, although has a fair few hills in it. Nothing too step but it is is up and down.

Dodder Valley parkrun

September 3rd, 2023 | Sport

I’ve been doing some parkrun tourism recently. Yesterday, I did Dodder Valley. It’s a nice course. Two laps and mostly flat, with a slight rise on the second lap. Some lovely views looking down into the valley, too.