On the other side of the crash

It now being past 8am I have admitted defeat with regards to servlets. I got mine compiling but it still wouldn’t run so I’ve included it in my source code submission for some kind of consideration however small that may be. All in all though this has been a joke of a coursework and while I will be making a separate blog post about it I feel the need to rant a bit here too. My mysterious error which plagued me for hour after hour just randomly started working at 2:30. I had gone on and coded further stuff by then but this essentially placed me back behind everyone else at 2:30am!

Anyway, we’re through it now, term is over! At least for me. Sort of. I still technically have TKD today but I doubt I will go even on the off chance I am awake. I also have to sort out a few meetings with people next week with regards to my FYP and such not to mention all the work I have to catch up on for things like my websites and of course there is always FYP and lots of revision for exams that need to rescue my spiraling grade.

All in all, this isn’t the joyous end of term I was hoping for.



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