Night 3 successful, night 4 a challenge

Well we are on to day 4 of this week (some would argue that it is day 5, while this is ground in solid reason, the week really starts on Monday officially or not :p) and so far Michelle and Phil have slept together every night this week. Going by the alternation so far it’s Phil’s turn to spend the night at Lupton though this whole reversal thing is quite a new concept.

How will it work tonight though? We are going to the Quilted Llama but that is at like 11-12 so it’s not really a late night thing and most of us are probably going to come back to DEC-10 and do some more work on our coursework. Really late night coding session in which Michelle misses the last bus perhaps? Lupton is in walking distance though so even that is not a sure bet. I’m sure those two crazy kids will find some excuse though :D.



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This entry was posted on Thursday, June 15th, 2006 at 9:36 am and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.