My latest project roadmap

Inspired to create a new site and along with it a site engine, I have decided to redfine my roadmap into 3 channels which I am going to concentrate my online efforts on. So basically so I can remember my own thoughts and generally share opinons I am going to go through my three projects one at a time and discuss them a little.

Project Dreagon
This is a project I have worked furiously on all weekend and am really pleased with the progess providing I can keep it up. Myself and Ceon are developing an online game set in ye olden times think Legend of the Green Dragon time although it’s more like BlackNova in terms of game. Anyway it will be awesome when it’s finished.

Project erm, I forget
This project did have a codename, as pretty much all my projects do but to be honest I have forgotten it lol. Anyway this is a collaboration between all three of us here on Nerd Federation to build a content site will new content every day hopefully attracting visitors and search engine traffic. It will have 4 content channels – developer, reviews, cult and misc. Although the script needs some more work.

Project Grey Weed
This project didn’t actually have a name considering I only came up with the project when developing my new roadmap so I just thought of the code name now. BTW the idea came from a combination of thinking about the weeds in my pond (pond weed) mixed into a fusion of judge Grey from Judging Amy. Anyway the idea is to build a site engine inspired by the articles on Dev Shed to allow me to power and admin several sites from one location.



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This entry was posted on Monday, August 30th, 2004 at 4:29 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.