Metallica have some cool songs

Hmm, I thought I had so much to talk about, and basically I do but then again that involves remembering things which is very difficult. Anyway so tommorow is a depressing day but tonight I am going to live it up by watching TV till gone 11 and drinking coke. Wild I realise but I have to do something to fill time until the next day of Legend of the Green Dragon.

I am currently watching the Hamburg Cell, the Channel 4 drama about the 9-11 build up and such. It seems good so far although as with all these dramas it takes a long time to get into it and if my thinking is correct it may not even have an ending. Of course there will only be one way to know though even that is not for sure.

What I really need is more snack foods to pass the time, and where is Deni when you need him online? There are so many questions these days. Ok, time to take a break from writing this post while I go fetch a new drink and some ice pops. I can stop any time I want ya know.

Ok, a thing that sucks time. I just built a new site which I will post about later. But anyway I got it compatable with XHTML 1.0 transitional almost but when I put it though the W3C validator I got shot down for using onLoad on the body tag. That sucks.



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This entry was posted on Thursday, September 2nd, 2004 at 5:15 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.