I’m on WordPress 2.0

Yep, I finally made the jump to WordPress version 2. It’s basically the same now I’ve sorted things out (I’m not using the visual text editor crap for my posts). I can’t say I prefer the interface but it’ll do and this way it will auto generate the thumbnail code and allow me to browse images more easily even if I can’t choose what size the thumbnails are.

That’s one of the most annoying things about WordPress 2.0 I think. Also when you select an image, by default it isn’t linked to anything. I can’t see when you would ever want to upload a file, create a thumbnail of it and then not use the image, just use the thumbnail. It’s a waste of disk space. And that is presuming you would have a reason to use the thumbnail and not the image which I can’t see happening. But oh well.

I think I really am a blogging addict. I have been sitting here waiting for the files to upload (it’s taken a while as I’ve been uploading other stuff at the same time) and thinking “hurry up! I really need to blog! I think I’m going to burst if I can’t blog soon.” But with good reason, which I will go onto in my next post. Also, the fact that this is my 5th post of the day, I have another one coming, it’s only 5pm and that’s providing I don’t start posting all the photos I plan to.



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This entry was posted on Friday, March 31st, 2006 at 5:05 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.