C is not cool

I miss Java, I really do. Java is stupid and fiddly and I’m fully aware that C is a more low level language to give programmers more control but I’m not sure I want that control. It’s an absolute marathon to do anything! All I want to do is validate that a string has something in and if not, set it to something else. But that is a complete mission involving defining temperory variables, invoking string functions and a million other little things. The programs we are going to come out with from this project are just going to be so bad (which exception to Matt’s, Kieran’s and George’s probably).

I’m sure I’ll slowly come round on C but at the moment I only have until Friday to finish my coursework and that doesn’t really include Friday as I am moving back home then and it doesn’t include Thursday either as we have an exam in the morning and then we need to spend Thursday afternoon lazing around in the Quilted Llama.



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