Archive for February, 2009

AHS website goes live

Monday, February 2nd, 2009 | Humanism, News

Finally finally got the resources from across the country, the corporate image guidelines and all the documents and other required materials, the website for the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies, better known as the AHS has now gone live.

Over the coming months there will be lots more content added to the site as we get it, but for the moment it will serve it’s purpose as giving us an official web presence and make available the important information.

Looking forward to the press launch now, it’s only a few weeks away!

AHS website

Royal Amouries

Sunday, February 1st, 2009 | Events, Humanism, Life

Adding a bit of culture (and retracting a bit of sleep 🙁 ) we were up bright and early on Saturday morning to head down to the Royal Armouries to take a look round as well as watching some of the interpretations being put on and generally have some fun.

Royal Armouries Royal Armouries Royal Armouries

Perspective launches

Sunday, February 1st, 2009 | Events, Humanism, News, Religion & Politics

Friday saw the launch of Perspective, a course I developed and by developed I mean came up with the name and handed the work on to Nicola to do. Good times. The basic idea is that each week a different religion comes down to tell us about what they actually believe and everyone can ask questions, over a free dinner of course. Nothing original but highly successful, we got 20 people down on a Friday night for the Baha’i session.

Perspective Perspective Drinks in The Terrace