General musings on the process of A-Soc
I was speaking to Kay today who said that we can get hold of the grassy area opposite the union for Rationalist Week. Next step, find a tent from somewhere. I need to speak to events as well, I’m hoping Katy will get back to me about the debate with the C.U. so that I can schedule our fundraiser.
The hippies from People & Planet were in the Green Action Zone last night. They told me they had it from 5-7, which they didn’t. Lieing hippies, you just can’t trust them. Looks like we’re going to have to re-schedule the screening of the documentary as we only got the first 15 minutes watched.
To go back to the debate point, it’s looking good, the new committee has taken over from the old one and I got a call from the new female president, Katy, saying she wanted to get things organised which is awesome, we will hopefully have it sorted for the final week of term.