Archive for December, 2005

Here with LoTR again

Friday, December 2nd, 2005 | Life

Yep, I’ve got going again. I’ve started watching LoTR: The Fellowship of the Ring again. Not with any kind of commentary which I haven’t checked out yet, not have I done so with the extras, I’m just watching the movies again lol. Can’t wait until I can fully test it out with 5.1 at home. I could do that now I guess but I can’t be bothered moving ally my speakers and it’s a little late to have my sound system at full volume.

Audio Senate has over 1,000 members

Thursday, December 1st, 2005 | Life

Like, wow! I just logged on to Audio Senate to find it sitting pretty at 1,188 members! That’s a lot! I know a lot of them are probably bots but there are users posting so it’s not a totally dead forum like it used to be and even if they are, who cares, it looks great for the membership count :P.