You are winner

Ah the joys of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.

But bad grammer aside, Owen has anounced that in fact our group, Parrot, achieved the highest mark in SE24. Factoring in every part of the group project we proved our ability to work as the best team, functioning as one unit working to maximum efficency.

Of course it didn’t work like that in the real world. Safa did way more coding than anyone else having the most commits (followed by George, Raby, myself and Sumara) and the largest commits (followed by myself, Raby, George and Sumara). We were never really working together on the code – I started it off before Easter then had Rationalist Week to deal with at which point Safa and George started coding while Raby need the UML and Sumara just did nothing. Go team.

Still, I’ll take it as a victory in a time of year that is causing an insane amount of stress, Plus it shows it may actually be giving News a read once in a while.



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