Posts Tagged ‘weekend’

Mad weekend

Monday, May 11th, 2009 | Life

I ended up with a bit of a crazy weekend (again) over the past few days.

Friday I did my usual shift at Open Door before heading over to The D to do a close. I then got up on Saturday and did some freelance work before going back to The D to do another close. On Sunday I got up early (having only got in at 4:30am) to go to Michelle’s baptism then grabbed some more sleep before heading out to the pub and then back to The D for a third time for another close.

This resulted in me getting to bed at about 3:45 and getting back up for work about four and a half hours later.

As such, tiring would be a good way to sum up my weekend.


Monday, July 28th, 2008 | Life

Life isn’t ever going to slow down it is? I hoped it would when I graduated, that it wouldn’t be quite as hectic. I didn’t want it to slow down too much, I would have settled for just a bit. But I’m not sure I’m actually going to get that.

Having had our house warming on Friday at which I managed to work my way through a bottle of spirits without being too worse for wear on Saturday we headed down to the Deer Park for some recovery steak. Having eaten that I headed off straight to work for an interesting night of watching smartly dressed Opera in the Park goers look very out of place and made it home to bed for around 3am.

Once again dragging my ass out of bed a little earlier than I would have really liked to we headed back to the Deer Park for Sunday lunch. Having got back from that I then spent the afternoon battling through a week’s worth of freelancing work I needed to catch up on before heading to the pub quiz.