Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

30 Days of Action: Day 7

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 | Life

I was in teaching all of today (9am until 6pm). That went pretty well in itself. The statistics lab session was the hardest yet, looking at factorial ANOVAs, and I only just got it completed in the two hours. But apparently, most people only got 40% of the way through, suggesting I am at least beating the curve.

Also, busy revising for tomorrow’s biopsychology exam. I had Elina test me and that went pretty well, but her questions were restricted to the topics I had written neatly enough to be legible so there could be sampling issues.

So, with those excuses about why I haven’t done anything, here is what I have done:

My new guest post has been published. Unfortunately, they have a network of sites and they decided to publish it on a different one to the one I wanted. I already have a guest post on the other site, so the whole thing has been a complete waste of time. Shame, but life goes on.

I’ve made great process with my new book. I finished all three remaining chapters. Next, I need to go through and add some pictures and then it can move into the editing phase.

I’ve also been looking at adding personalised reports to Worfolk Anxiety. This has been hanging around for a while and I’ve been procrastinating on it. The reason is that there wasn’t a clear set of steps. If in doubt, break it down. So, I have done. And I now have a list of small steps to get it done. I’ve made a start on step one: create a HTML version of the report. Once this is done, I can look at PDF conversion and delivering it to users.

Finally, I’ve written the sales copy for my new course. I’ve also had a meeting with my marketing advisor (Elina) to discuss imagery.

30 Days of Action: Day 6

Monday, November 6th, 2017 | Life

Today, I’m busy revising for my biopsychology exam. Which is a pretty good excuse. But unnecessary, as it has been quite a productive day elsewhere, too.

I’ve finished writing my new guest post on mental health for parents. I’ve also edited it and submitted it for publication.

I finished one of the chapters of my new book. Just three more to go now, for the writing stage anyway.

I’ve uploaded most of the course materials for my new course. I’ve created most of the structure, too, so the only things that remain are the sales copy and promotional images and videos. Once that’s done, I can start scheduling it for launch.

30 Days of Action: Day 5

Sunday, November 5th, 2017 | Life

It has been difficult to do much today because I’ve been so busy smashing the Abbey Dash. But, nevertheless, progress has been made.

I have continued to do some work on my new book. The main task I completed today was a literature search on co-sleeping. This is now complete and I can get on with writing an evidence-based review of it.

Second, I continued to work on my new guest post on mental health. I’ve completed four of the eight sections so far.

I think I’ve got a cold. Today’s run would explain the muscle aches, but not the headache or the body temperature fluctuations. Just setting my excuses up for tomorrow…

30 Days of Action: Day 4

Saturday, November 4th, 2017 | Life

Today I finished all the lecture material for my new course. All the lectures are now exported as MP3s and I have encoded the final video, too. Just need to make the course and the video trailer now.

I’ve also done quite a bit of work on my new book. I have four chapters to finish off and then the writing is done.

30 Days of Action: Day 3

Friday, November 3rd, 2017 | Life

So, I made it to day three before I started to think that this is a terrible idea. University studying mounts, I had to take a break this afternoon because I felt ill (it lasted exactly the length of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, what a coincidence) and it was health visitor day.

Still, no excuses.

Today I fixed the audio on the introductory lecture of my Get More Restaurant Customers course. I also recorded a new trailer for it and both of those videos are now live on Udemy.

One of the lectures I recorded yesterday was unusable so today I re-wrote it as a slide deck and also recorded the presentation so that video should be ready to go now.

I scheduled the release of week 6 of my Running For Anxiety course.

30 Days of Action: Day 2

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 | Life

Today I:

Recorded all of the audio for my new course Mindfulness for Social Anxiety. I’ve also edited together all of the videos for these, though there is still some work to do done in the editing.

Went up to Calverley and filmed all the video segments for the course by the canal. Unfortunately, the sun came out towards the end and ruined my exposure settings for one of the videos. But the rest are usable.

I’ve finished the book version of the IT Contracting Master Class, both the eBook and the paperback edition, and submitted them for publication.

I’ve done some writing and editing work on my new book, and produced a list of sections that need work.

I’ve outlined the article structure for a new guest post.

30 Days of Action: Day 1

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 | Life

Yesterday marked the start of NaNoWirMo, the annual challenge to write a novel in a month. Which got me thinking: what else you could achieve in 30 days?

I took part in 2015 and knocked out this. And I thought about participating this year. But I have more pressing issues to attend to, like my business. And it feels like that hasn’t been making enough progress recently.

The heart has been there. And stuff is getting done. Worfolk Anxiety recently added two new tests and a bunch of other features, for example. But a lot of it feels like it isn’t that focused or is being slowed down by a lack of actionable tasks.

So, in November, I’m taking 30 days of action. And I’ll be using my blog for accountability, reporting back on everything I have done.

Day 1 report

Yesterday I wrote all of the scripts for the exercises and video sections in my new course Mindfulness for Social Anxiety.

I met with my course director to discuss how I could use my dissertation as a prototype for a future business venture.

I pitched guest posts to The Mighty, Maven Circle and

I cancelled my membership to one of the business communities I belong to. I’m withholding it from myself until I use it more and take action on what I learn.

I completed my article on metacognitive therapy and scheduled it for publication.

How to interpret Facebook event responses

Monday, October 30th, 2017 | Life

Ever wondered what people mean when they RSVP to your event? Here is a guide:

Baby-free day

Saturday, October 7th, 2017 | Life

It’s been a horrible few weeks in the Worfolk household. We had food poisoning, then Venla got a cold, then we got her cold, then Venla got another cold, then we got that cold, then I had to have some dentistry work, the list goes on.

But, as we adapt to our new lifestyle: Venla in daycare, Elina back at work, me studying, we have finally seen some benefit.

For example, if we line up Elina’s holidays with my study days, we can do things without a baby. Like a romantic cycle ride. On two bicycles each made for one.

We made it as far as the Abbey Inn.

Our aim was to have a quiet lunch outside as we enjoyed some autumn sun. This what somewhat foiled by the delivery lorry turning up, and the family that turned up and decided to sit right next to us, but was much brightened by running it to our friend Robin.

The food was poor, but the pub was nice. Given that decided to skip dessert and get a piece of cake from The Stables on the way back, instead.

Yesterday, I cycled past a dead body

Friday, October 6th, 2017 | Life

I regularly cycle up and down the canal towpath and often think to myself “I hope I don’t fall in – all of my stuff would get wet, and I would too, which could be unpleasant or maybe even dangerous, on a cold day.”

But, having lived in Leeds for the past few decades, I should be aware that the real risk is not falling into the two feet of water. It’s not being able to get out because you’re being torn apart by inferi.

Yesterday, Elina had the day off, so I took a break from studying so that we could go for a bike ride. We returned around 3:30 pm. Then, at 4:45 pm, this happened:

It is possible the body went into the canal in the hour between us getting home and someone else spotting it. But, more likely, it was already there when we cycled past it.

It was just around the corner from our house, so the entire street was lined with emergency service vehicles. Who knew Leeds had a CSI? I hope David Caruso is available to play the TV adaptation.

Beyond the jokes, though, it is no doubt a sad occasion. Bodies do turn up with an uncomfortable regularity, but usually, it’s a drunken student far downstream. Let’s hope it’s a high-end sex robot that someone has mistaken for a real human.