Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

30 Days of Action: Day 27

Monday, November 27th, 2017 | Life

Venla has given me her cold and I have an exam tomorrow. I also strained my ankle on my run on Sunday. So, I’ve been pretty gentle with myself today, as I think up cleverer and cleverer ways to take revenge on my daughter.

I’ve got quite a bit done, though:

First of, Running For Anxiety is now live on the WAM website. Hordes of people have not yet signed up, but it will take a few days for Google to index it so we might be looking at Wednesday before the crowds join by their thousands.

I’ve been through Google Search Console and fixed all of the crawl errors on the website.

I’ve written next week’s Live Better newsletter. This one is on the topic of foods to avoid when you have anxiety.

I’ve written four blog posts for WAM, on the topics of caffeine, cognitive reappraisal, triathlon and yoga. Normally, I would think that four was too productive because I want my blog posts to be high quality, so I shouldn’t be able to produce them at that speed. However, I had them half written, either physically, or in my mind, so I’m not too worried.

Finally, I’ve updated my personal website to bring the books section up to date.

30 Days of Action: Day 26

Sunday, November 26th, 2017 | Life

Today has been focussed around preparing Running For Anxiety for public launch. I’ve got the sign-up process in place (it needs testing, though), written the sales copy and even made this short video:

Once I’m done testing it will go live as an unlisted page for more testing, before going live live (it’s an industry term).

Also, my new videos have started to go live on YouTube. Here is the first:

30 Days of Action: Day 25

Sunday, November 26th, 2017 | Life

Yesterday, I submitted an update to my book’s description on Amazon. They have a strange hybrid plain text/HTML system where if you put some HTML in, they don’t add line breaks. But, if you manually add line breaks in, they add their own set, too. It’s still not perfect, but it’s more readable now.

I’ve scheduled the release of week nine of Running For Anxiety.

I have also made good process on preparing it for release to the public. I have created the email sequence on my mailing list provider and started working on the landing page for the course. I still need to do the technical implementation, but that is pretty much it.

30 Days of Action: Day 24

Saturday, November 25th, 2017 | Life

Yesterday I edited the new videos for WAM. I also had time to encode them, upload and schedule them for release so the whole process is done now: they’ll roll out early next week.

I have done some work on preparing Running For Anxiety for public release. There is still a lot to do but at least I have the music catalogued now, which is essential for copyright reasons.

Speaking of videos, the mindfulness meditations are now live on WAM’s channel:

30 Days of Action: Day 23

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017 | Life

Today I created captions for the last three lectures of Get More Restaurant Customers, so the entire course is now done.

I took the two demo meditations from Mindfulness for Social Anxiety, added video introductions and uploaded them to YouTube. I’ve scheduled them to publish tomorrow and Saturday.

I fixed the problem with the eBook version of Skeptic’s Guide to Pregnancy and submitted that to Kindle. I’ve also done the iBooks version and submitted that, and created the print edition, too.

I’ve put together a to-do list for making Running For Anxiety publicly available. Finally, I’ve brainstormed ideas for expanding the mindfulness course range.

My video work has come back from Fiverr, so hopefully, I can sign that off today and start working on the editing tomorrow.

Book sales

Another notable event to mention: I seem to have gone viral. nixCraft posted about my book, How To Exit VIM, and it has had almost a hundred shares. Hashtag fifteen shares of fame. I’ve had a look on KDP and it has translated into increased book sales.


The other big thing to report for today is that I attended a business networking event. They said that if you want to achieve something you need to add knowledge or add people to your life. I’ve been adding the knowledge, so this is my adding people.

As it turns out, when I went searching for one, I found that my Toastmasters friend Andrew Hodge was running one. I’ll blog more about it when I get time, but it was a really worthwhile evening and I look forward to attending again.

30 Days of Action: Day 22

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 | Life

Tough day today because teaching is rather relentless: 9 am to 6 pm. And I’m not bitter about Aaisha changing the font on our group presentation’s slide deck to Arial. It just makes me sad that there are people out there who care little for typography.

Anyway, progress:

I’ve captioned another four of the lectures for the Get More Restaurant Customers course.

I have rewritten my Udemy profile. When I originally wrote it, it was for the IT Contracting Master Class course, so it was entirely IT focused. The new profile discusses both my IT and psychology credentials.

I have settled on a cover for my new book, with the aid of input from my Facebook chums. I have put the eBook cover together, too, and tried compiling the eBook. However, I am having some technical problems at the moment and 10 pm is not the time to start stressing over troubleshooting. Not when there is captioning to do.

30 Days of Action: Day 21

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 | Life

Yesterday, I started the book creation process for my new book. Thank you to everyone who has weighed in on the cover options I posted on Facebook; need to make a decision soon.

I also created captions for another of the lectures in the Get More Restaurant Customers course.

There were more course sales yesterday, too, and some more people requesting personal reports on WAM.

30 Days of Action: Day 20

Monday, November 20th, 2017 | Life

Productive day, today. I got through all of the biological psychology reading I wanted to, as well as working on my development psychology presentation and applying psychology portfolio. Plus, a bunch of non-psychology stuff:

I’ve added all of the new photos I wanted to my new book and printed out a new copy to give to my editorial review team (Elina).

I’ve filmed five new videos for Worfolk Anxiety. There is still editing to do. I have commissioned some new logo intro videos on Fiverr, so I am waiting for those to be done before I do all of the cutting up.

I’ve created captions for the first five videos of my Get More Restaurant Customers course.

Finally, I’ve also mocked up four cover options for the new book. Go check my Facebook feed if you want to vote for your favourite.

30 Days of Action: Day 19

Sunday, November 19th, 2017 | Life

Tough day, today. I spent the morning in bed ill, before getting up for a “test walk” to see if I was feeling good enough to compete in GO TRI Braham. The answer was probably no, but I pushed through anyway, which totally wiped me out for the rest of the day.

However, some progress has been made on the book. I’ve written the new sections that I am planning to add and have picked out a selection of photos to use. So, I just need to add those in and send them back for review and the writing phase is done.

30 Days of Action: Days 17 & 18

Saturday, November 18th, 2017 | Life

Yesterday was a write-off. Venla was ill again, so I spent most of the day looking after her. The time I did get free I spent at the gym and doing biological psychology reading. I think that means I have technically failed the challenge. Thanks, Venla.

But some of the work seems to be paying off. Four people requested a personalised report yesterday. It’s not currently hooked up to my mailing list, as I wanted to monitor people’s behaviour before I do that, but so far it looks like it could be a valuable source for reaching new people.

Paying customers are coming through on the Mindfulness for Social Anxiety course, too.

Today has been a little better in terms of work. I’ve queued up week 8 of WAM’s Running for Anxiety course and scheduled the email announcement, too.

Second, I went through my new book with my editorial team (Elina) and made all of the corrects. I still have some further editing to do but things are looking to be in good shape.