Archive for March, 2010

AHS national convention 2010

Monday, March 1st, 2010 | Foundation

On Saturday we were down at the AHS (National Federation of Atheist, Humanist & Secular Student Societies) national convention to promote the services that we offer to student societies. Taking place in Oxford the convention drew in student groups from across the UK including some coming from as far as Belfast!


Monday, March 1st, 2010 | Humanism, Life

Despite still being in the recovery stage of flu I headed down to Oxford this weekend for the AHS national convention. We set off on the Friday afternoon as to be in time for Camp Quest UK director Sam Stein’s talk and stayed as late as the Sunday night to hear Dr Evan Harris’s talk on trying to introduce some common sense into Parliament – something which is not popular in there.

All this resulted in us not getting back into Leeds until 2am this morning, something which my body did not appreciate when I had to get up for work this morning. Never the less it was a great weekend. On top of the talks and conventions we also managed to fit in the Ashmolean Museum, the History of Science Museum and of course plenty of watering holes on the way.

Oxford is a beautiful city, if occasionally puncuated by some hideous buildings that really stick out and the colleges are all like mini-cities in themselves. Would be a really nice place to be invited to do postgraduate study (hint hint) 😉 .

Big church or big business?

Monday, March 1st, 2010 | Events, Religion & Politics

At the recent meeting of Leeds Skeptics in the Pub Mike Granville delivered us the talk The Catholic Church: Big Church or Big Business? It was fascinating to learn that at the start of the 20th century the Catholic Church was actually on it’s knees and it was only alliances formed around World War II that restored it to power. Another interesting twist in the story of the Catholic Church.