I went some time today trying to play the F chord.
Turns out it is completely impossible. Most chords you can easily make the shape with your fingers, it is just a case of practising and getting there fast enough. Not the F chord. It is not even possible when you take your time and carefully position your fingers. It just cannot be done.
I spent most of the time playing songs and made some progress. Some of them were at around the 20-25% mark and I have now got them up to 40%. This is probably because I have reorganised the list by difficulty and have not played them for a while. I did not move up on my old favourites. But progress none the less.
I have started to hit more two finger jobs. Things that I would just miss entirely before. I even hit the C chord when that was thrown at me. Time is running out though. Ubisoft promised me I would be able to play guitar with four hours more practice.
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Tags: f chord, guitar, rocksmith
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 at 7:11 pm and is filed under Music. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.