Archive for the ‘News’ Category

CWF responsive re-design

Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 | Foundation, News

A lot of the Chris Worfolk Foundation websites, such as this one, were already responsive. That is to say that they worked well across any device size. Some of them were not however, but I’m pleased to announce we have now fixed that.

I’ve already blogged about the Worfolk Lectures update but we’ve also upgraded many other sites across our estate too:



Worfolk Lectures update

Friday, May 22nd, 2015 | Foundation, News

We’ve just relaunched Worfolk Lectures with a new responsive design. It looks great on desktop:


It looks great on tablets:


And it looks great on phones:


Star Trek: Random Sector re-launches

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 | News


One of my websites that definitely has not been getting enough love over the years is Star Trek: Random Sector. It was really old. It used out-dated hover-over drop-down menus, tags that nobody knew still existed and had no way of easily updating the site.

That is a shame because there is a lot of super detailed content on there, especially round the episode guides.

No longer though is it a relic though! The site has been re-built from the ground up. All the URLs have been replaced by cleaner ones. The spelling mistakes have been corrected. The dead links removed. And best of all, it now works great on mobile as well. On top of that, there is even some new content. Happy days for Trekkers.

2015 Local election results

Monday, May 11th, 2015 | News, Religion & Politics


We fought a hard campaign and did our best. Well, I say “we”, I mean “I”. And by “fought hard” I mean I answered a couple of questions for South Leeds Life and did not really do anything else.

But I was there, to provide people with a true alternative. In the end Patrick Davey took a comfortable victory for Labour. However, at 104 votes I was close behind him, and the other four candidates in my ward.

I also met Green Party candidate Ed Carlisle at the count. He is a really nice guy and genuinely did fight a hard campaign, so it was a shame to see him finish so far behind Labour. Though at least he did push the Tories down into third! He also actually lives in the ward, unlike Davey, who lives in Bramhope.

The count was pretty funny. One of the tables counting our ward had too old ladies on it constantly joking to each other any time they got a Loony vote “oh look, another one that’s been smoking the wacky backy!” They were quite embarrassed when Ed pointed out I was stood right in front of them, though I found it absolutely hilarious.

I was a little disappointed that I didn’t pick up the booby prize for the least number of votes, but some of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidates got down to single figures. As Trevor pointed out, it’s not a good time to have the word “coalition” in your party name.

Elsewhere in the country Loonies did well. We fielded 16 Parliamentary candidates. Our glorious leader Howling Laud Hope smashed rival candidate Lord Toby Jug (who has formed a splinter party) with 72 votes to 50. We have won at least four local government elections too, as four of our candidates were running unopposed.

I was pretty fired up afterwards, indeed, I’m already planning my 2020 campaign. Next stop, Parliament!

Lyrics Burger is now responsive

Saturday, May 9th, 2015 | News

I am sure that that like myself, when you want to look up some song lyrics, you instantly head off to Lyrics Burger. After all, it is the number one place to go for song lyrics in my opinion. Well, you will be pleased to know that it is now even better!

First and foremost it is now responsive, and looks great on a mobile device.


But there are lots more exciting changes both over and under the hood too. The URLs have all changed to nicer, cleaner ones. All the old ones will still work of course and redirect to the new location. We have also made the design cleaner (thought it was already full of semantic HTML5 goodness), improved the adherence to HTML standards, and added open graph tags so it is now even easier to share!

Leeds Restaurant Guide, 4th Edition

Friday, April 17th, 2015 | Books, News

It’s been ten months since the last edition of the guide was published, but the drought is over. This edition features 14 brand new reviews and is available now in the Amazon Kindle store.


  • Almost Famous
  • Bem Brasil
  • Bird & Beast
  • Buca di Pizza
  • Bulgogi Grill
  • Bundobust
  • Byron
  • Cabana
  • Griffin Hotel
  • Kerala
  • Meat Liquor
  • Teppan 260
  • Tharavadu
  • The Man Behind The Curtain

Frinks is coming back

Thursday, April 16th, 2015 | News

About a decade ago Worfolk Online was running a series of web portals that brought a lot of lovely content together from across the web and put it in one place so that we didn’t have to go through that tedious process of typing in the first few letters of URLs before auto-complete finishes it for us.

One of which was Frinks. Then, years later, it closed down.

Since then many people have asked if and when it would return. I mean, they didn’t exactly state it per se. However I could see it in their eyes, hear it in the intonation of their voice, and feel it in their embrace.

Well never fear, because Frinks has indeed returned. It is mostly syndicating large pictures of my face at the moment, making it largely only of interest to Elina, but I hope to expand the content in time.

I’m running for election

Saturday, April 11th, 2015 | News, Religion & Politics

Yes, it’s official!

If you are in the City & Hunslet ward of Leeds you can vote for me for Leeds City Council. I’m standing as a candidate for the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.

You can find my personal manifesto here.


Terry Pratchett, 1948-2015

Friday, March 13th, 2015 | News


Someone once told me that polls of people’s favourite authors of all time consistently came up with only one living author. I don’t know if that is actually true or not, because I can’t find a source. Sadly however, even if it was, it no longer is now.

Leonard Nimoy, 1931 – 2015

Saturday, February 28th, 2015 | News, Video


It was only last Wednesday when I sat in a Toastmasters meeting and listened to a speech about Spock. Little did we know that less than 48 hours later his illness would take a turn for the worse.

It only seems fitting to remember him the way I am sure he would want to be remembered…