Archive for November, 2008

Moz on topic?

Friday, November 7th, 2008 | Friends

Having finally made it home just before 9 last night we setup for podcasting to have a rant about the evening events. After only two or three months of Norm saying he was definitely going to be joining us this week, we finally got him involved in the two shows we recorded last night.

The real miracle, and I think this stands testament to how annoyed everyone really was, was that we managed to stay on topic for the whole of the first show. Crazy.

Not quite defeat, but possibly withdrawal

Thursday, November 6th, 2008 | Life

Well, it happened.

I finally moved my alarm to an earlier time than 8am. With the sudden increase in traffic now that November has arrived and as I want to be in on time every now and then as I tend to leave close to on time some days, I’ve moved my alarm back.

Bonfire night

Thursday, November 6th, 2008 | Events, Friends

So much for the awesome fireworks display happening outside of my window, it was hidden behind the houses next door. Gutted.

Not that anyone else seemed to actually make it down there, despite many promises. Rumour has it Si was too busy getting his birthday present from Izzy too? 😉 .

I was very impressed by the Roundhay Park bonfire though it’s been literally a decade, probably longer since I’ve last been but they started building it last Wednesday. Last Wednesday! It was like a wooden pyramid by the time they had finished it.

Anyway, happy birthday Si.

For his noodliness

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 | Humanism

The first formal debate of the year having arrived last night, myself and Tom took it upon ourselves to put forward the case for the Flying Spaghetti Monster being the one true god.

The debate was of quite a high standard with both sides making some excellent points. The motion was ultimately defeated but at a fairly even split of 14 votes to 12 but this is of course just part of his devine plan. Ultimately, it was a really fun debate and one we should definitely run again in the future.

Obama baby

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 | Events, News, Religion & Politics

Well, it’s over. America has a black president. A very white black president but a black president none the less. And rightfully so too, Obama is the man for the job.

We held somewhat of an election party to watch the results come in last night. With the projector hucked up to project accross our lounge wall and the sound system hucked into it too it was more than big enough to enjoy a life size picture of Christopher Hitchens when he appeared on the BBC’s panel.

Having work I went to grab some sleep not long before 4am and everyone else had dispersed by the time I got up but never the less it was a fun night. And I’m now loaded up with several litres of energy drinks at work so I should be able to make it through the day 😀 .

Winter be damned

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 | Life, Thoughts

Having got my radiator working last night I finally woke up this morning being nice and warm. It was well worth waiting for. Well, it wasn’t actually by any stretch of the imagination but the point is, it was most pleasant to finally not be quite so cold on a morning. Money well spent.


Monday, November 3rd, 2008 | Life

As part of our “The Crusader is closed, what do we do” thing, we headed off to Xscape at Castleford for some bowling on Sunday evening.

I’m not a massive fan of bowling because it is technically a sport which means I am probably going to be fairly rubbish at it but I struggled through and managed to bowl 127 in my first game taking victory. I slipped down to second place in the second game but never the less I think I could be considered a minor success given I haven’t been bowling in a month or two.

The real fun though was given some road testing to my new digital camera (which I should really blog about sometime) and getting some action shots.

Saturday night

Monday, November 3rd, 2008 | Events, Friends, Life

Good news girls, Norm is back on the market.

Discussing last night with my housemates I mentioned everyone had bailed on me at Nicola’s party (because they’re all rubbish). What I didn’t know is that Liz hadn’t actually home last night but had instead gone over to Oli’s despite having a taxi waiting to take her home.

Perhaps some context is required. Being back on closes last night I had work in the afternoon which due to the fact nobody turned up for work yesterday, took far longer than it needed to and I didn’t end up getting out until about 2:30.

Having finally got away I headed over to Nicola’s party which was still loving along with about ten guests or so remaining. I was a little too sober to really join in the festivities at this point though and given everyone else had left, I went home after about an hour. I did get the amusement of watching Zoltan try to play Twister however 😀 .

Halloween party

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Events, Life

Having packed everyone into cars for the post One Life festivities we headed over to West Park Place for a Halloween party.

With the decks and sound system out we blasted our music until the early hours and I like to think everyone had fun. Things kept going until about 4:30 when the last of the festivities came to a close. Good times.

I was slightly worried about turnout initially given we had a whole eight people confirmed on Facebook, compared to the 54 that Nicola had confirmed to her house party. We ended up having well over 20 of us there though which is apparently about inline with the turnout to Nicola’s party so maybe we’re not that unpopular after all.

A spooky One Life

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Events, Humanism

Last Friday saw another session of One Life come and go, this one on rights and responsibilities. It got off to a rather shaky shart – at five past seven nobody had turned up! But by the end of the session we had 15 of us which is more than a respectable number, especially given it was Halloween.

As predicted the session degraded into a big argument about speciesism which interesting enough seemed to produce positive results. Paul having made a massive rant about it prompted Zoltan to later suggest that maybe the whole speciesism argument didn’t make that much sense after all. So maybe we’re one step closer to thinking rationally about it 😀 .