Archive for March, 2007

The motions part I

Monday, March 12th, 2007 | Life

The next 4 hours could well determine whether I can actually make a success out of life or just give up and crawl back into the hole I came from. I feel it reflects how much I have changed at uni to see that despite I’m not optimistic I am actually hoping for the former.

Virgin test

Monday, March 12th, 2007 | Life

I just did the whole virginity test and came up 70%. Some of the questions are themselves questionable though. Like have you ever been mistaken for a celebrity? Well no, I am a celebrity! I haven’t been mistaken for another celebrity if that is the question. Most of them are subjective as to their scope anyway. What I did find interesing is other people’s results.

Fan: 60%
Michelle: 42%
Izzy: 32%

Yes that’s right, Michelle is infact closer to Izzy than she is to Fran. By a long, long way :p. Indeed, it would be quite easy to simply round her virginity away given it’s really a 0 or a 1.

Anyway, continuing to pick holes in this test, surely it should be called an innocence test or at very least purity would be a better word. It’s also clearly suffering from a lack of localisation. That said, Wal-Mart do technically own Asda now. Who hasn’t avoided somebody? (Or stalked somebody? ;)). And how can I ever reach a state of complete virginity loss when I can’t get pregnant?

The streets are crawling

Sunday, March 11th, 2007 | Life

On leaving work I turned my phone on to find I had a text from Michelle seeking adventure. So I headed over to uni and picked up the gang and startedly randomly driving around. Our route formed something along the lines of BP garage, Tesco Seacroft, Temple Newham, home.

There were loads of police about. As well as seeing them on the main roads I went down into Temple Newham and saw two of them on my way to the cark park I was aiming for. When I came to pull out onto the road a car stopped and flashed me out. This set off some alarm bells (as if they weren’t already ringing) and we eventually established it was a police car as they continued to follow me through my estate. I eventually pulled into my drive and they left. It kind of killed the mood though.

I should probably sleep now. My plan to go round to Neil’s and watch Borat (or was that just an excuse to get in to Neil’s house :p) failed despite my less than subtle hints so I think I am going to have to settle for something slightly less amusing as my choice of entertainment to fall to sleep to.

1000 posts

Sunday, March 11th, 2007 | Life

Hmm, I’m very tempted to use the term “woot.”

Yes indeedy, this is my 1,000th blog post. Go me. Well, 1,000 post on my personal blog anyway. It’s hard to believe I reached 1000 in less than 3 years blogging, it means I’ve been averaging well over a post a day and given I didn’t blog for long periods of time in the first year it means in reality I’ve actually been averaging way more than that for the past 18 months.

Not a bad McClose

Sunday, March 11th, 2007 | Life

I arrived at work at about 4ish (for my 4 start). Got a missed call at 4:03, by this time I was already in the crew room and got changed which is why I’m presuming I missed the call. I think they were getting worried. You see, Norm had already phoned in to say he wouldn’t be in as he was geniunely ill followed by Amanda phoning in at 3:55 to report an illness of the possibly less geniune type. She was at least the third person that phoned in sick. Worst of all, everyone was out for Craig’s birthday so nobody would come in cover. So on a Saturday when we should have had four people, we had two.

Luckily those two were myself and Neil, half of the Colton Mill all-star closing team. I did front counter close for the first time. You wouldn’t think you could close the counter of a restaurant based almost entirely on guess work but you’d be wrong. Indeed I didn’t think it was possible but with some help from Liz and even a bit from Neil I managed to struggle my way through. Go me.

We were out by 3am which is pretty impressive though we did have plenty of night staff due to pretty much everyone in the restaurant being asked to stay on so we had 2 people till midnight as well as another 3 till 10-11ish. It’s a rare treat to have night staff these days, at least in those sorts of numbers.

The maths is looking good too, 4-3 minus my break results in just over an 10 hour shift, 3 of which hours were on premium rate. I ran the numbers for my various debts and when all things such as my credit card are paid off (not that I have debt on my credit card, they just don’t take the money fast enough) I am about £350 into my overdraft. I don’t think that’s bad for almost the end of the university year but I’d like to try and work my way back up to zero.

Debate Soc

Friday, March 9th, 2007 | Life

I turned up to Debate Soc’s show debate with Amnesty International last night accompanied by Norm and Michelle. They were debating closing the borders to immigrants and it turned out to be an interesting debate. It’s quite a technical sport when you get into it, to quote el presidente Felicity who I was later discussing what we could do with the CU debate.

Afterwards we headed down to The Old Bar to be joined by a cast of other wacky characters. To name names, George, Kara, Phil and Sam. Phil managed to annoy the hell out of Sam as part of the impromptu “pick on Sam day” while Michelle continued her mission to get drunk without drinking alcohol. Admittedly it was much less successful than Monday.

Poster time

Thursday, March 8th, 2007 | Life

I spent quite a bit of time postering various places yesterday. I hit Roger Stevens at 8:30 to get round before all the 9am lectures and managed to stick a poster up on pretty much all of the notice boards.

I then went to the property office and got permission to put them up in halls too so I then proceeded to go round Henry Price, Bodington and Leodis handing on posters to the site office to get them put up. Hopefully that should throw some decent promotion behind Rockology.

Pythonic fun

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007 | Life

One of the problems I’ve had in situations involving music and being away from my desktop is I don’t have access to my entire music collection. Somehow the thought of dragging and dropping my entire collection in Windows only to have it say the network was interupted after it’s been copying for 30 hours and not tell me how far it’s got didn’t seem appealing.

Python to the rescue. I’ve knocked together a script which goes through my collection and copies it to another location. It seems to do it at a reasonable speed too, way faster than Windows seems to manage it. It scans though my collection and checks if it exists in the new location and if not, copies it over. To allow it to be interrupted it also checks existing files to make sure they are the same size so if a file was only half copied when the script was interrupted it will copy it back over again.

The only functionality I could do to add now would be to scan through the new collection and make sure files were in there that weren’t in the old collection (if for example they had been deleted or more usually, if they were moved as the new location would have been seen as new files and copied over by the script) and if so, delete them.

It’s roleplaying democracy time again

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007 | Life

Yep, LUU has once again opened their ballot boxes reminding students that it “only takes two minutes.” Which of course it does if you want to make a very uninformed decision and therefore void the entire point of a democratic election. What is worse is you have to vote for the referendum, NUS elections and union council elections all at the same time so I was unable to vote for the ones I wanted to vote for while making an informed decision at a later date about the ones I had yet to research.

As for encouraging more people to vote – I’m against it. The fewer people vote, the more my vote counts for. The system already works – the people that care already vote and the people that don’t care, don’t vote. Why force people who don’t care to vote? It therefore does not represent the opinion of what people want because the people who actually care have less of a say in who is elected. Anyway, vote for Matt hippies!

Old Bar Idol

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007 | Life

How drunk was Michelle last night?

More to the point, how do you get that drunk without consuming any alcohol? Not that I’m complaining. We got the word out that we will be looking for strippers to work in our club next year when we convert the kitchen into such a venue. I also now have quite a good list of potential people to set up an arranged marriage with Michelle.

Last night was the final heat of Old Bar Idol before the final after Easter. Computing was represented once again, this time by Hootie who also became the second person to formally fill out an application form for the circle. Kieran and Matt seemed to have a good time too as the video and photos contained on mine and Norm’s phones respectively will testify to. It was great to see everyone having fun in the midst of the winter depression. Good turn out as well, we had around fifteen of us sitting in the group.