There can only be one

Thinking about the O.C. vs. One Tree Hill got me thinking about how one thing suceeds another. With teen dramas there is a clear path of succession Beverly Hills 90210, Dawson’s Creek and now the O.C. / OTH whichever of them comes out victorious. Nowhere is this kind of one dominance more clear than in technology.

Look at browers for example – Netscape used to dominate the market. Then Microsoft threw its weight behind Internet Explorer and that became dominate. Maybe beleive that Netscape gave up as they had the dominate position and it didn’t get them anywhere, they didn’t make much money. I beleive the same is now happening with Internet Explorer – it’s not making Microsoft any money being free which it why they are likely to put it back as part of the Windows bundle rather than a seperate application. And they are beginning to lose their dominance to Mozilla.

Of course this type of thing is nothing new. To continue the reguritation of what I said in my last post – Betamax vs. VHS, MP3 vs. Minidisk. How about the console wars too? Sega and Nintendo owned the market, then Sony came along and became dominant. Now it is a case of Sony perhaps losing their market share and Microsoft’s XBox becoming dominant.

Few things can surive in harmony together. The one example that did spring to mind though is religion probably due to them all being more or less as wrong as each other. Of course Encoria will one day rise to dominance too. Perhaps it is envitiable that one stronger thing will destroy another.



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