Posts Tagged ‘viki’

Shots roulette

Monday, September 26th, 2011 | Friends

On Sunday, I headed over to the airport for a second time, to pick George and Viki up as they returned from Portugal. As they regaled me with tales on the drive home, I was disappointed to hear they had not had honorary steak on Wednesday to make up for missing Norm’s birthday but then Norm probably ate enough steak for the three of them anyway.

On the plus side, George did bring back a game of shots roulette – it’s a roulette wheel and a series of shot glasses placed round the outside, each one with a number on – depending on what number the ball lands on, depends on what shot you have to drink. Genius.

Fry up

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 | Friends, Life

As usual, Viki was pretending to be ill at Wendy, which meant she was feeling fully refreshed on Sunday morning having gone home early. You would think that would mean she could go and get breakfast, but apparently not. Luckily Fonze stepped up to the plate and delivered the goods, with Norm adding his cheffing expertise to prepare it all.

Norm fires up the grill

Monday, May 30th, 2011 | Friends, Life

With Viki pretending to be ill to avoid paying for breakfast, like the cheap Mackem she is, and keeping George firmly under her thumb while at it, it fell to Norm to fire up the grill for this month’s post-Wendy fry up. He didn’t disappoint.


Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 | Friends, Life

After many weeks of waiting after Viki agreed to wench on us if we got her an appropriate costume, the night finally arrived last night.

So we spent yesterday evening sitting around and drinking, all of which were fetched for us. The problem is now of course that you very quickly become accustomed to such a lifestyle and as such it’s going to be a pain every time we have to make our own drinks now.

Luckily, while discussing what we would do with an increase of money in our pay packets, Viki suggested “if you had all that money you could hire a wench full time, rather than just having one every few weeks when I’m here” which I’m pretty sure is an agreement for regular wenching – and really the least she could do having ripped the wench outfit we got for her 😀 .