Posts Tagged ‘tuesday nights’

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Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 | Humanism, Life

Despite flagging turn outs to recent Tuesday night summer socials, we ended up getting around a dozen people down to The Library tonight, possibly given more life by the recent camping trip but hopefully something that will continue throughout summer.

Nicola and Chris Rosie, Zoltan, Mike Mike, Sophie, Woody


Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 | Humanism

Tuesday saw the usual A-Soc meetup at The Library, which is our new home for the moment due to the fact that they serve food and I prefer not to wait until like midnight to eat on an evening. And for pretty amazing prices too, I got a beer and a burger for £3.50 though it did have a notable lack of dressing.

Most of the evening was spent planning the oncoming society camping trip to the point were we even have Lil coming – crazy times!

Old times

Sunday, June 28th, 2009 | Events, Humanism

The first of our weekly summer socials for Atheist Society rolled round last Tuesday and with many of the undergraduates having left for the summer it felt just look old times. It was a really good night in the end and The Library were still serving food when we got there which is always a good thing.

Mike and Rich Nicola Chris and George

Planning meeting

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 | Humanism

Last night saw the first of the end of year planning meetings for Atheist Society. It has been a while since we have had a real hardcore planning meeting but last night we bashed out ideas for next year for a solid three hours and will no doubt be doing something similar next week too.

We got plenty of good ideas down and the vision for next year is starting to take shape so it should be another great year for the society (as if we have anything else :p ).

Afterwards we headed down to The Old Bar for the usual Tuesday night social which was well attended given so many people have gone home. Plus George was there so it was basically win win.

Atheist Society social Atheist Society social Chris


Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 | Events, Humanism

Tuesday night saw us screen Dogma for another relaxed night of de-stressing between revision periods. This was of course followed by the usual social at The Terrace though I think the best attended all evening was actually the committee meeting.

Dogma screening Nicola posing Laura and Chris

Life of Brian

Thursday, May 21st, 2009 | Distractions, Humanism

With the exam period underway this Tuesday’s Atheist Society meeting was designed to let people switch off and relax from the constrant headache of revision. As such we screened Monty Python’s Life of Brian.

Every time I watch the film I remember just how much of an amazing film it is. Even the one liners are complex, brilliant dialog that makes you laugh. What a film.

Life of Brian


Sunday, May 10th, 2009 | Events, Humanism, Life

On Tuesday I delivered a short series of talks to Atheist Society on evolution. It focused on some of the fun facts of evolution and strange twists which don’t seem to make sense at first but then, when you actually find out the answer, it makes perfect sense. The enemy of the god of gaps if you will.

Chris Chris Chris

Pub based planning

Sunday, April 26th, 2009 | Friends, Humanism

With the final Tuesday of the Easter holidays seeing the union closed, we headed off to The Library for the final RW planning meeting. In the end we got a rather good turnout, something like a dozen people or more eventually showed their face including the long awaited introduction of Zoltan’s girlfriend. She looks quite mature for a 15 year old.

Jonni and Kat Chris Zoltan and the mrs

30 Days

Saturday, March 21st, 2009 | Humanism

Tuesday we were scheduled to watch Morgan Spurlock’s Where on Earth is Osama Bin Laden but Norm hadn’t ordered the DVD on time so we had to switch to plan B. Luckily I had a feeling it was all going to go wrong and so had copied over Morgan Spurlock’s 30 Days onto my laptop as a backup.

It ended up going down really well and we got some good discussion afterwards including plenty of discussion in meeting room 3 as we wanted to avoid the carnage of St. Patrick’s Day going on in the bars below.

In the end we ended up sitting outside on The Terrace which altough a little on the chilly side provided a good arena for group conversation in that for once we could actually here each other. And I managed to solve my current Rationalist Week scheduling issue so it worked out well all round.

Crazy Tuesdays

Thursday, March 12th, 2009 | Events, Humanism, Life

Tuesday evening started off with the usual A-Soc committee meeting which brought up some interesting discussions, followed by the usual A-Soc meeting which this week was Michael’s talk which by all accounts was excellent.

Unfortunately I missed the talk as I was down at the Humanist Society of West Yorkshire attending their event on Ashley Montagu as a critic of Darwin which was also very interesting. Too many choices on Tuesday!

This was followed by hitting The Terrace for a few drinks at which we bashed out some great ideas (or as a titled the sheet at the time, ideas that seemed great when we were in the pub 😉 ) for Rationalist Week so hopefully some of them will actually be useful!