Posts Tagged ‘flaming dragon’

Flaming Dragon

Monday, February 16th, 2009 | Life, Reviews

Sunday evening saw us head down for a nice meal at Bella Italia.

Which was closed. Balls. It being rather late and the other Bella Italias being a bit of a mission away we decided to head to the Flaming Dragon which was also at Xscape and offered a taste of the orient in some kind of mega buffet.

To be fair it delivered quite well, the range of starters was quite impressive, indeed I spent most of my time there as it was probably better than the choice of mains (which was also good) and the dessert selection included crunchy nut corn flakes and an ice cream machine so the hybrid mix was obviously.

I got through quite a random mix of stuff including sushi, squid, seaweed, some kind of pork belly thing and a large selection of other dishes that I at least vaguely recognised. The quality of the food itself was buffet quality shall we say but that is to be expected, given it was a buffet and all.

Afterwards we still ended up at KFC because it’s like, the law. Plus it provided as a nice place to sleep the food off as my missing Twitter update indicated last night. Good times.

Flaming Dragon Flaming Dragon buddha Flaming Dragon