Posts Tagged ‘dental care’


Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018 | Life

I’m trying to improve my flossing technique. The dental hygiene kind. Apparently, it is a dance, too, which makes it more difficult to find the content I want. I had a similar problem when searching for “oral”.

My first stop was YouTube. Here is a helpful video on what to do.

The problem? My teeth are in my mouth. That spot where her hand is: that’s where my head is in real life.

Here is another video demonstrating the technique.

Look how far that fake mouth is open. No wonder dentists are constantly telling us to open our mouths wider if they think that people could open it to 90 degrees like a cartoon character.

Teeth showering

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 | Health & Wellbeing

Cleaning your teeth is important and well worth it.

That having said, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find it a bit of a chore. If only there was some way to combine it with other such activities to take up less time. Then it came to me – teeth showering. We have a walk in shower and the sink is right next to it. The solution is to just take your toothbrush into the shower.

No lack of water should you need it to clean your toothbrush once done and if you want to rinse your mouth out you can just stick it under the shower head. Give it a try, you’ll never go back.