Archive for the ‘Public Speaking’ Category

The Man Who Followed His Dreams

Monday, March 23rd, 2015 | Public Speaking, Video

Someone to watch while you’re sat on your own, in a lonely apartment, because you abandoned your friends for a bit more cash at work… ;).

Area 15 Autumn 2014 contest

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 | Public Speaking

Last Sunday I chaired the Area 15 Autumn 2014 contest. It was a tough one. I was in the Scottish Highlands the week before so I was trying to organise it from an area of the country almost devoid of phone signal.

There were only twelve people there on the day. However, thanks to the professionalism and enthusiasm of the members we were able to cover everything and run the contest. Even Elina was drafted in to count the ballots!

The Regent Hotel in Doncaster were an excellent host as always. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended the contest and helped out, and well done to everyone who competed! Good luck to Andrew and Anthony who will be representing us at Division level.

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Triple crown

Monday, July 14th, 2014 | Public Speaking


A few weeks ago I attended Toastmasters district training where I found out there was such a thing as a “triple crown”. The way I found it out was that Kevin said “congratulations on your triple crown, here is a prize”. Apparently, if you earn three educational awards in the same TM year, there is a name for that…

Advanced Communicator Bronze

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 | Public Speaking


You know you have truly made it in your life when you become eligible to judge at the Public Speaking World Championships.

Competent Communicator

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 | Public Speaking


Apparently I am now a Competent Communicator cos I can like talk good and stuff. Thankfully, spelling is not taken into account.

Today also marks me no longer being President of Leeds City Toastmasters, nor Vice President of Public Relations for White Rose Speakers. I am now officially Area Governor for Area 15 though.

Competent Leader

Saturday, May 24th, 2014 | Photos, Public Speaking


Will be adding this to my CV, alongside my BSc (bronze swimming certificate).

Division contest

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 | Public Speaking

At the end of April I acted as Chief Judge for the Toastmasters Division E International Speech & Evaluation contest. I did not go perfectly, but the general feedback seemed to be that nobody realised, so I am taking that as a win.

Congratulations to Gayna and Owen who won the contests. Most of all, congratulations to Doncaster Speakers and in particular Shelagh, our Contest Chair, for a fantastically well organised day.

Ciaran Moore - Fiona Clayton Evaluation Contest Third place - for web Ciaran Moore -Michael J Clarke Evaluation Contest second place for web Ciaran Moore -Owen Napier Evaluation Contest Winner for web Ciaran Moore-David Haydon Int Speech Second place for web Ciaran Moore-Gayna Cooper Int Speech Winner for web regent-hotel

Area speech contest

Friday, April 25th, 2014 | Public Speaking

Last week I had the pleasure of going to Sheffield for the Toastmasters Area 15 International Speech & Evaluation contest. At said meeting I was elected as next years Area Governor. It remains to be seen whether that counts as winning or not ;). Congratulations to Billal, Jane, Gail and Pauline who proceed on to Division.

Leeds City 2014 Speech & Evaluation Contest

Monday, March 17th, 2014 | Public Speaking

Earlier this month Leeds City Toastmasters held its 2014 International Speech & Evaluation Contest. We had four competitors for each contest and the standard was excellent. Congratulations to everyone who took part! The winners, myself and Anthony, now move onto the Area Contest in Sheffield.



Changed by a Tyre

Sunday, March 16th, 2014 | Public Speaking, Video

The preliminaries of the 2014 Public Speaking World Championships are now underway. This seems an appropriate time to post a video from last year’s final. The winner, Presiyan Vasilev, won with a speech entitled “Changed by a Tyre”.