Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Bus vs. taxi

Sunday, October 25th, 2009 | Photos

Bus vs taxi

Someone opened a taxi door as a bus was going past on Call Lane last night.

Brass band on Briggate

Sunday, October 11th, 2009 | Photos


Do you ever consider how sinister the name Salvation Army actually is?

It’s so much better in real life

Saturday, October 10th, 2009 | Photos

Smart car parked perpendicular

Perpendicular parking for the win.

The art of good Word Art

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 | Photos


The secret is, it never looks good.

Will & Grace

Sunday, August 16th, 2009 | Friends, Photos, Thoughts

As I’ve long maintained, Kate and Rich would make a great couple, they would be just like Will & Grace out of the self-title show. If any further proof were needed just like at what a cute couple they look like when taking faux-wedding photos.

Rich and Kate Richard Parker Kate Richardson


Sunday, August 16th, 2009 | Life, Photos, Thoughts

It’s an expensive business this young professional lifestyle.

Picked up a few bottles of wine at Tesco which was an interesting experience, trying to pretend I wasn’t just guesing. As I said on Twitter though I think a sensible policy is to avoid any wine which insists it must be enjoyed with a meal rather than on it’s own.

That is all fair enough but now I just have them sitting around on my side so now I need to buy a wine rack which is even more expense. Might try and hold out until my birthday.


They deserve high definition

Sunday, August 9th, 2009 | Photos, Thoughts


I wanted to share this billboard ad as I really think it’s a great piece of advertising. Almost enough to make me upgrade to high definition!

Fingers crossed

Sunday, July 19th, 2009 | Photos

I’m having a nightmare finding a new place to live at the moment, with the two places I have had lined up both being flooded and now my temporary house also has water coming through the ceiling. Perhaps God is finally going to reveal himself to me in the form of a second great flood in which I must build an ARC that is also a Tardis to accommodate two of each of the billions of species on this planet.

In any case I have found a place I rather like, so while I’m not holding my breath as given recent experience it is highly likely to go tits up again, would hopefully suit me quite nicely, especially given the central location, righr next to the Corn Exchange in town.

So, here’s to hoping. Pictures of the views out of the windows are below.

Living area Boar Lane Corn Exchange

I predict a riot

Sunday, July 12th, 2009 | Photos

Walked past the Subway in the St. Johns Centre today. You can tell we had just had a Saturday night in Leeds – they hadn’t had time to clean the blood off yet.

Wall outside Subway

The message is spreading

Sunday, July 12th, 2009 | Humanism, Photos

I was driving to work yesterday when I saw a land rover with the A-Soc slogan on the back. I can only presume they are a big fan of the society 😉 .

Land rover