Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Lloyds TSB headaches

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 | Life

Recently, I received a letter from Lloyds TSB saying they had begun charging the charity a fee for its bank account. This seemed strange given we had a fee-free small charity account. So I phoned them up to find out what was going on.

Turns out, they hadn’t actually set it up as a charity account but had instead set it up as a regular business account. This meant they needed to transfer the account to a whole different area of the bank – something which is apparently quite complicated as when I phoned back to check two weeks later, the action which I was told I didn’t need to check up on because it would just be done, had not been done.

I gave it another few weeks and then I decided to log into my internet banking to see if I could see if it had been fixed. This is no small task because Lloyds TSB require you to use a card authentication system. But, because they don’t give debit cards out to small charities, they have to send you a special card, which isn’t a debit card, but which can be used in the card carder.

The card reader is massive btw, it’s not the kind of thing you can keep on your keyring, like you potentially could with the HSBC one, if you had seriously big pockets anyway, it’s not like theirs is tiny either.

So I arrived at the Lloyds TSB website and selected logon to business banking. First, I had to enter my user ID. This wasn’t easy because my user ID isn’t a memorable username as you would expect – it’s a string of nine random digits.

Luckily, they send you out a card to remember this. Though it isn’t a card with it printed on, it’s just a piece of cardboard with a white box that you can write it in yourself and hope that it doesn’t get rubbed off on the gloss finish.

I finally found my card and punched in my user ID. Step one was complete! Next I had to input the security code generated from the machine. So I dropped my authentication card into the authentication machine and typed in my PIN. It rejected it.

I tried again. It rejected it again.

So I clicked on the “I am having trouble logging in” link and it began asking me more questions about myself, for security purposes of courses. After four times of it telling me I didn’t exist, it finally let me through – only to tell me the only thing I could do was to phone the call centre.

I did phone the call centre and the nice woman at the other end of the phone said that she would have to get a new PIN sent out to me, and this would take a week to arrive (they can’t give it out over the phone to allow me to access my account now or anything). so I asked her to do that.

Next question, she needed two of the digits from my telephone banking password. I gave her those digits. She said they were incorrect. So now I can’t use telephone banking either apparently.

We eventually managed to bumble through, involving a shot in the dark guess about the year that I set up the account and a new PIN has now been dispatched to me in the post. As soon as I get that, I will be able to log into the account to check if they have changed it to the correct account type yet and refund the erroneous charge they put on the account. Wonderful.

Using TextEdit as a text editor

Saturday, February 4th, 2012 | Life, Tech

One utility Mac OS X seems to be lacking is a simple text editor such as Notepad for Windows. It comes with TextEdit but the problem is that this uses rich text format (RTF) which is very annoying when editing system files or code.

Thankfully, you can reconfigure it to use plain text.

Simply go to TextEdit on the menu bar and hit Preferences. The top option should allow you to toggle between Plain Text and Rich Text.

January 2012 Wendy House

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 | Friends, Life

We were discussing earlier in the day how the idea of the alternative scene is that everyone is alternative – yet everyone dresses the same. I’m not sure I quite surprise to this – Alternative is more like a movement, like Postmodernism. But in any case, I decided it was time to embrace such ideas, and so I shunned the regular black outfits in favour of my bright red American Football jersey.

It was also great to see Mike from Bristol put in a guest appearance, as well as Norm and Maths Chris get their disco on, and we even finished the night with a very retro trip to Pizza Milano’s. Good times.

Get the system time from the terminal

Monday, January 30th, 2012 | Life, Tech

Wondering what your system date/time is? Easy!


It’s that obvious ;). Don’t mistake it with the command “time”, which won’t return you what you want.

i386 or x86_64 architecture?

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 | Life, Tech

Wondering if you’re running i386 or x84_64? No problem, there is quick command which will return this information to you.

uname -i

ZonePlay on PlanetWin365

Monday, January 23rd, 2012 | Life


I’m pleased to say that after much blood, sweat and toil, we have finally launched ZonePlay live with one of our internet partners, PlanetWin365. It’s been a tough couple of months with plenty of late nights, early mornings, but it’s very gratifying to see the product go live in a brand new outlet. Full credit to Russ and Andy who have worked their metaphorical socks off to get it there.

Flying Without Fear

Friday, January 20th, 2012 | Life

Earlier this month, I attended a Flying Without Fear course.

It consists of a morning session which looks at both the theory behind flying and why it is safe, and the psychology of anxiety and how to control your mind. After lunch you head over to the airport and actually take a flight.

The theory part was brilliant. Captain Dom explained the basic physics which keep you in the air, the various sections of the flight, what he does on take off, the backup systems they have in place – this was absolutely fascinating. Unfortunately it didn’t calm my nerves as I know a lot of the science behind it and I’ve never been worried about whether the plane is going to fall out of the sky or anything like that.

The psychology section was rather disappointing though, which was rather a let down as I was hoping this section would actually be useful to me. Unfortunately, the course uses Neuro-linguistic programming which has now been almost entirely discredited. Why? Because it’s all nonsense.

That isn’t to say their hearts weren’t in the right place. All of the course leaders (most if not all were volunteers who had given up their time to help out!) were incredibly supportive and that is the real benefit of the course. I’m incredibly grateful for the support I received from Sarah, Jill, my dad and everyone else on the course (if you’re reading this, thank you SO much!). They got me here:

Smiling and everything. Because the irony is that I love the idea of flying. I mean, it’s really awesome right, being so far up in the air, watching everything down below like you’re living all those hours spent on Google Earth. If only I didn’t feel ill every time I got near a plane, it would be a magical experience.

Still, I’m now one step forward in the battle for Los Angeles.

Profiling SQL queries with EXPLAIN

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 | Life, Tech

If you have a complex SQL query, you might find that performance isn’t exactly ideal. Worse still, you don’t actually know which part of the query it is that is actually taking so long.

Luckily, MySQL comes to the rescue with the ability to explain.

All you have to do is start your query with the keyword EXPLAIN and MySQL will, rather than returning you a recordset of results, will instead provide a break down of everything it has done, including how it made the table joins and what order it did everything in.

EXPLAIN SELECT a INNER JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 WHERE a.col1 > 1 AND b.col2 > 2;

New Year’s Eve 2011

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 | Events, Life

New Years Eve

New Year’s Eve has a lot to live up to. That is why when choosing your NYE party destination, you need to pick somewhere with a proven track record of throwing a good time. Having had amazing parties in 2010, 2009 2008, it was no wonder that 25 people all chose to welcome in the new year at our apartment. We’re proud to say that we did not disappoint!

Virgin Active

Monday, January 16th, 2012 | Life

Recently, we’ve been trailing round different health clubs to find a good one and finally made it to Virgin Active, previously Esporta, located in The Light.

It has the advantage of being an over 18s only gym, which is great, and the facilities are very nice too. The only issue was that they treat their pool water with something different to any other pool I’ve ever been in, which resulted in Elina feeling like she was going to be sick every time she accidentally tasted any of it.

They do have two hot tubs though and if there is one thing I appreciate – it’s a redundancy-based service continuation solution.