Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category

Introduction to Atheism

Thursday, October 8th, 2009 | Events, Friends, Humanism

Tuesday night saw A-Soc hold it’s Introduction to Atheism talk. This year is was presented by three different speakers – Money Bags did a philosophical look at atheism, Norm did a look at the various terms atheists use to describe themselves and I did applied atheism – atheism in the real world or as I like to put it…

Taking your bucket of atheism and throwing it at the wall of life.

The talk overran a little but was overall very warmly received. We finished off with a social at The Old Bar which featured a surprise visit from Brett who is up in Leeds for a few days!

All in all it was a good night, although attendance was sorely lacking. This is something we can hopefully sort out in the coming weeks.

The crowd Norm Social

Lachlan’s bday bash

Thursday, October 1st, 2009 | Friends

Today was Lachlan’s birthday so the obvious solution was for everyone to sleighly leave the office, don fancy dress hats and accessories and then go back in singing “happy birthday.” I say obvious, it was certainly successful. This was followed by us heading over to The Box for a few drinks or two at 4:30. 5 hours later and we were all still there.

Given it was Nathan’s first day, we came very closing to telling him that every Thursday was Fancy Dress Thursday but as amusing as that would have been, we decided it was just a little too unfair in the end. Aren’t we nice people 😉 .

Birthday cake Lachlan and Chris The team

Sunday lunch with Dr. P

Sunday, September 27th, 2009 | Friends, Life

Sunday saw us hit Cuthbert Brodrick as usual for lunch but with one important change – George finally having been paid he could actually afford to eat this time! We also saw a guest appearance from Rich as well so it was a rather good afternoon.

Unfortunately due to a series of iritating events it took them an hour to get me a dessert, which resulted in me being quite late for the A-Soc picnic. They had a new lass working behind the bar who took 20 minutes to serve us and once we had done they lost my dessert and had to make it again!

George Rich Kate

Getting old

Thursday, September 24th, 2009 | Friends

Myself and George hit The Old Bar last night. It was a somewhat sobering experience, which was useful given I was driving, but never the less unwelcome reminder that we’re getting on a bit.

I didn’t leave my previous engagement until 9:30, which resulted in me getting to the union at 9:45, which I thought was rather late to be hitting the pub. Never the less it was dead in The Old Bar. I mean, there were a fair few people but few enough to allow everyone to get a seat and after all it’s freshers’ week – you would expect it to be rammed.

After a few drinks we headed off a little after 11 – at which point hordes of people began arriving in the bar. Granted I still had two hours of work to do when I got home so it wasn’t like I was going home to bed, but there can be little doubt it’s a sign of the inevitable aging of the class of ’08.

George Chris

Nicolas’ leaving do

Thursday, September 24th, 2009 | Friends

I feel opening my blog post with a statement regarding the fact that last night was the third leaving do I had attended in the three months I have worked in this company of about a dozen of us would give the wrong impression. Contrary to what the Wikipedia article says, Rob doesn’t beat any of his employees with a cricket bat, or any sporting implement for that matter.

However we are a company of dynamic young go-getters as Mike describes us and are drawn in from all around the world. Nicolas is one such individual who later this month will be returning to France and so last night we headed over to Salvo’s for a farewell meal.

I can’t say I enjoyed the food which was some form of Italian tapas which I found strange, though with plenty of small courses it wasn’t too much of a problem as the food you didn’t like was soon replaced by a whole new dish.

Nicolas Chris Jason

Bye bye Felix

Monday, September 21st, 2009 | Friends

Sunday was our last Sunday outing with Felix for a while :(. Indeed such a special occasion such that it was I had to reschedule my previously arranged date (ha, it just couldn’t fit togethey any better could it :p ) so see Felix off.

Then we went to Nando’s.

Just Nando’s.

It’s a sad state, but the excitement has gone. Living 100m from Nando’s means that it is still very much enjoyable but not quite as magical as it once was. I am only one more stamp away from being able to claim my free whole chicken!

Felix himself is off to go on to bigger and better things. Or he was when he was planning to go to Cardiff University, now he’s going to Hull so arguably it’s more of a sideways movement from McDonald’s 😀 . I love you Felix, come back soon!

Felix Felix and Chris Zoe and Craig

The Sunday lunch that almost never was

Monday, September 21st, 2009 | Friends, Life

Sunday saw John arrived in Leeds – so it became a race against time to get him moved in, in time to get to Sunday lunch.

It was a race that I lost. But never the less eventually made it down eventually to enjoy our traditional Sunday Wetherspoon’s feast. I say feast, I went for value meal to cut down on spending, but it was still very much enjoyable.

Chris George Kate

The new crowd

Monday, September 21st, 2009 | Events, Friends, Life

We hit Wendy House on Saturday night, while I was under the assumption that I was back up to full strength. With hindsight this was probably a mistake, but there you go. And by we, interestly I mean myself, Lil, Jonni and Tom which was a fresh, though none the less enjoyable, crowd to go with.

It was also interesting to see Tom get all judgemental about Kate Bush and yet rock out to Evanescence. Am I really getting that old that Evanescence somehow has some undeserved cult reputation with the youngsters? :S

Jonni and Lil Lil rocking out Lil and Chris


Monday, September 21st, 2009 | Friends, Life

After years, upon years, we’ve finally got Si drinking! I can’t help but feel this would be a highly appropriate time to revive Sarann’s Bad Influence Diary but the possibilities running through my head as to where to go from here and just keeping me too busy at the moment 😉 .

We also got Jewish Dan to put in a long awaited appearance. Good times.

Cocktails Tom and Si Dan


Friday, September 18th, 2009 | Friends, Humanism, Life

I was feeling ill on Monday but with work to be done I headed round to Rich’s flat with George to get editing away on Something Good ’09.

I had already spent three hours the day before on pre-editing and Rich had spent the morning doing some too so luckily we were able to dive straight in and get things done. Even with this big head start it was still 1am by the time we were finished as well as being several bottles of wine later.

The result, however, was well worth it.

Chris George Rich