Archive for the ‘Distractions’ Category

Star Trek XI

Saturday, July 28th, 2007 | Distractions, News

There has been very little news on the next Trek film but Comic Con saw some big news – the film will not only feature Spock but will also include Leonard Nimoy! Zachary Quinto will take on the main role while Nimoy will also take on the role for the more aged Spock (whether that is flashbacks, disturbance in the timeline or what remains to be seen). It will also feature Kirk apparently (but then, who really cares ;)).

It’s subject is now a little more cloudy now though, the early rumours of it revolving around Star Fleet Academy seem to have disappeared of the net and Wikipedia‘s page on it talks about how the idea of a film between Enterprise and TOS about the Earth-Romulan War have also been quashed. So I guess we’ll just have to wait for a little more detail to be leaked.

Hospital management

Friday, June 22nd, 2007 | Distractions, Tech

Yesterday saw me begin my hospital management summer internship.

It all started when I was wandering through Game Station to look at retro consoles when I saw Theme Hospital for £4. I had no real option but to buy it. Especially as it’s multi-player so we can do some LAN parties with it. Having been discussing this several days earlier it would have been a missed opportunity not to buy it.

I started playing in the late afternoon evening time and soon found myself engrossed in the game. Next thing I know it’s 2am and I’m all but screaming at my computer screen. Machine after machine blowing up, 2-3 epidemics per minute – what am I doing wrong? Why are my handmen useless? There are 30 of them on staff for smeg’s sake.

The last thing I need at this time of year is more stress. But all I want to do is start playing again.

In space, nobody can hear you scream

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007 | Distractions

Ain’t no sound in space. You know why? Because sound can’t travel through a vacuum!

So why is it I can hear Voyager travel past the camera in the opening credits!

Is it really that much of a mission to be scientifically accurate? Firefly managed it. I mean sure, that was a show so universally hated that the network went to the extreme of actually cancelling it mid-production but still.

April Fools’ Day fun

Monday, April 2nd, 2007 | Distractions

Google launched their new ISP, Google TiSP which offers wireless broadband usage using a network built through the sewerage system. Simply install the kit in your toilet and flush the cable down to connect to the network.

Facebook offered LivePoke, in which they dispatched live people to go and poke your victims, good for the first 100 pokes you made.

Microsoft posted instructions on how to run Mac OS X on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007.

The Pirate Bay disclosed plans of the upcoming move to North Korea.

Unfortunatly, Buffy Talk was missing it’s traditional April Fools celebration. I put it down to my life getting in the way, it’s just not on.