Our hardy band of warriors

Of yes, we have a grouping with names and everything now. Like the 3 musketeers or the 3 Amego’s, we all have fancy names that have no meanings and a vague understanding but no more of what we actually do. Making plenty of sense? I knew it would!

There is Joe, aka, rawpulse. But from now on he shall be better known as Snitch Boy. Reporting problems, spam and bad messages to GameSpot earned him points towards his next level and even moderation of some far off Middle Eastern message board.

Then there is Carl, aka, ceon. Still yet to post on Nerd Federation
even though he has an account to do so, Carl eats fast – he can
constume fish and chips like a duck. None of this chewing business,
just straight swallowing. This led to him eating way too many pot
noodles, it’s like an addiction. I thought I was bad with ice pops, but
he just never stops! Therefore he shall herein be known as Pot Noodle

Finally we come to me. Despite the fact I have been clean of registering new domains for over 48 hours now, my constant patrols of eBay and RegisterFly’s marketplace have even opened my eyes to the slight possiblity I maybe registering too many. Especially as my dad, who has no idea what domains and websites I have has even begun to question if I have too many domains. Therefore I shall be known as Domain Boy.

Our mission, to rid the world of the evils of non-amatur movies, natzis and all the major world religions. We will not stop until we get a bit tired or the new series of QI begins. We are… well we don’t have a name yet – but we will get one, oh yes, just you wait!



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This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 4th, 2004 at 6:07 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.