Dragged into Big Brother

Wow this is depressing. After watching Peter Kay live I neglected to turn the TV off and the enivitable happened. After all, you can’t leave Channel 4 on for over an hour at any time in the day without running into yet more Big Brother.  But there are only 2 days left to go. Well maybe not with all the winner follow up that they are planning this year.

One thing did occur to me to mention however. For all Ben Elton fans, read Dead Famous? Great book, but the point is – Woggle, Kitten?!? I mean wow, Kitten is everything that Woggle was. And Woggle was a complete overblown joke, what kind of television is being produced today?

Moving onto other news, tommorow is the 5th attempt at a gathering – hopefully this time we will actually get stuff sorted. I made a purchase form CafeShops Worfolk Store today which should arrive within 3 weeks hopefully, so I want to delay the start of filming till then – I will post some photos when I get my deliver :D.



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This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 4th, 2004 at 6:01 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.